fine for a deadly Hundehatz a deer
fine for a deadly Hundehatz a deer
EMMENDINGEN. A deadly ending Hundehatz, who fell a mother of two young fawns victim punished, the district court Emmendingen by a fine of 1500 €. Accused was a pensioner from a surrounding community. A violation against the Federal Hunting Law accused him of the prosecution.
On 5 September was the retirees with two dogs of the breed "Rhodesian Ridgeback" along the Elz between Sexau Kollmarsreute go. The young dog had a leash, the dog ran free on the adult Elzufer along. Suddenly the dog came over his hunting instinct, he pursued a Rike up to the Reuter Elzwehr Kollmar, where he mangled the deer literally. The animal was injured on the turf and teats so hard that the shooting tenant later, the animal could only save two shots from his suffering. Judge Thomas added Ullenbruch that hunting dog breed used in previous years in Africa to hunt lions was. Observed was the act of two employees of the Government, making a point or to save the deer and a jogger who was out of the Sexau Elzbrücke for water.
When asked to action the defendant admitted only reluctantly that his dog had pulled the deer. The previous police statements that the defendant is not known clearly to the fact that his dog was involved, he also did not have a bloody nose.
The jogger testified as a witness. She watched as the dog Mutterreh pursued. When asked the judge whether the accused have not noticed any female jogger on Elzdamm he said not to speak with joggers and women to ignore them. He would Jogger bad experiences with women, especially as they had ever used pepper spray from two feet away from his dog. The defendant insisted that they have seen in this area has never game, that's why he let the dog run off leash. Although he had seen the deer, but his dog is not called to him in addition to making the deer carefully.
prosecutor Eveline Prengel, even dog keeper, was appalled by the conduct of the accused. "There are excellent dogs Emmendingen schools," she stressed. When asked if his dog was already in the dog training, said the defendant, even briefly, but not his dog should run like a circus animal in a circle. Judge Ullenbruch stopped before the accused, always open "side of war scenes," to distract from the sequence of events.
Even the shooting tenant appeared as a witness. He described that the accused had asked the Elzwehr immediately after the monetary value for the deer, if he had been charged, he would have the meat. Since the burst shooting tenant of the collar. Apparently words were hearty. The shooting tenant stressed that hunted deer to death because of the high proportion of adrenaline should be consumed.
The court followed the plea of the prosecution and ordered the dog owner to a penalty of 30 daily rates of 50 €. evaluated in the court's opinion Ullenbruch judge the behavior of the dog owner as gross negligence, especially as he had shown no remorse during the proceedings. The owner who wished to not be satisfied with the verdict and announced to go with the help of a lawyer to appeal.
was the home church of the dog owner to contact him, the dog only by muzzle and leash to leave a line of 50 centimeters property may be.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
How Extend The Lives Of Sims Pets
about 138 days :-)))))) Sunday, 01/18/2009 Monday, 12/08/2008
How quickly the time
and it goes uphill. :-)
What happened last month?
On day 100 (mid-December) we were quite optimistic, and the blood levels were by then quite ok
of the specific T-cell that is a small special part of the white blood cells - were in mid-December to 70% new (donor -) cells. They rise only slowly, really slowly, but they rise. Good thing needs to be a while.
On day 100, many studies were in the program. EEK, ECG, echocardiography, etc at the Höhrtest Ärtzin meant, Philipp hear so much that he even hear the grass grow (a bit macabre - but that's just Spiatlsleben)
Philipp is it better every day, approved But freedoms depend very much on each of the investigating physician.
Some doctor is very careful and allows only very few things that are on the next check-up in the hospital with another doctor, with the same blood levels a lot more things allowed.
mid-December, it says that we will talk about until January's school go on February, another health care professional before Christmas but allows us to initially only 1 hour per school day and only stress-free. Philip will soon enough and it will increase even at 2-4 hours, 2-3 times a week.
Philipp often decides himself what he and we trust ourselves and what is not. We were in the Christmas holidays and again in the cinema, in the last row, so we coughed from behind and no one can stop in the afternoon if not too much was going on at the cinema.
Then the check-up came at 30.12. We know the results of day 100 (11.12.2008) and was not quite so positive. The T-cells have fallen to 62%. The WBC are rising only very slowly and were never since the Tanrsplant of 3000 are now fallen to 1700.
It prepares us for further action. If the cells continue to fall, it would be possible for Marie-Therese to remove blood and filter out only the white cells, and to give Phil. The "new" white cells to recognize the old cells as foreign and Philip eat them together.
Because you but it can not dispense so fine GVHD arises because again - attacking the other organs such as skin, gut and liver - donor effect on beneficiaries. So once again immune blockers and after construction, etc. .. The matter would push our optimistic schedule by 6 months back.
We were so busy on New Year's Eve quite thoughtfully and with us and therefore have nothing written in his diary.
On 8 January was a sister to Mobile patch changes and catheter flushing at home, and on Friday 16.1. we were back to control in the hospital and experienced consistently positive results.
The results and findings from 8.1. are again heavy fine. The donor cells are grown to 92% - hurraaaa - the WBC are just over 4000, ie almost normal healthy values.
all be back on track, the joy was great. We had a very detailed conversation with the great Oberärtzin the SCT follow-up clinic and are happy again.
Many small details in the complicated blood counts are still not quite up to normal, but quite good values correspond to the day 120th The skin will slowly back to normal. No more delicate baby skin on the hands and soles, the skin gets a healthy color and slowly becomes elastic and smooth.
provision was to Philip on Friday also equal vaccinated against the flu and we get a vaccination plan for the next 3 months. Sample all the basic vaccinations be rescheduled as well as a Neugebohrenen. Although he has taken over parts of the immune system of its Schwesetr, but we know that this is too little to counter. So now every 4 weeks Phil gets two multiple vaccinations. Currently, he may only totgeimpft, after 1-2 years can begin live vaccines.
comes from today's perspective, then 2 times at an interval of almost 2 weeks, a sister to us for the mobile home blood collection.
Philip must again until late February / early March (day 160) to control the hospital. As another bone marrow biopsy is in the log. If the blood levels remain so well developed in this train comes out also (finally) the venous catheter. Thus, Philip could shower a week later back to normal and needs no more annoying catheter care.
Philip's attendance at school must be immediately increased as well. Depending on his health, he will decide for themselves what is to create physically.
Although he may still not use public transport, that is, we are again called for a new daily schedule to organize. In the early Philip by car to school and on call at lunchtime or the afternoon pick up.
So slowly the normal daily routine. Prohibitions remain public Bathrooms and large gatherings, restrictions remain for some food. So still only boiled, no lettuce, no nuts, no salami usw.etc ... The taste buds are increasingly normalize. Philip reports that now almost taste all things back the way he was used before. He has also increasingly re-taste and fancy's cooking. A true gourmet and fine tip precisely. :-)
Another thing pleasing:
end of December, the Health Fund has approved our cure.
We are all April in a family follow-up clinic in the beautiful Black Forest and hope all in the 4 weeks to get back his strength. Now, after 11 months we are all ziehmlich drained and exhausted, that's reflected on the mood and mind.
We desperately need a charging station for the mind, soul and body.
So now it's again become a longer text, but we are doing now better. :-) After
things change no longer quite so quickly, we will probably sign in the diary again only in March after the day 160 investigations before the cure.
How quickly the time
and it goes uphill. :-)
What happened last month?
On day 100 (mid-December) we were quite optimistic, and the blood levels were by then quite ok
of the specific T-cell that is a small special part of the white blood cells - were in mid-December to 70% new (donor -) cells. They rise only slowly, really slowly, but they rise. Good thing needs to be a while.
On day 100, many studies were in the program. EEK, ECG, echocardiography, etc at the Höhrtest Ärtzin meant, Philipp hear so much that he even hear the grass grow (a bit macabre - but that's just Spiatlsleben)
Philipp is it better every day, approved But freedoms depend very much on each of the investigating physician.
Some doctor is very careful and allows only very few things that are on the next check-up in the hospital with another doctor, with the same blood levels a lot more things allowed.
mid-December, it says that we will talk about until January's school go on February, another health care professional before Christmas but allows us to initially only 1 hour per school day and only stress-free. Philip will soon enough and it will increase even at 2-4 hours, 2-3 times a week.
Philipp often decides himself what he and we trust ourselves and what is not. We were in the Christmas holidays and again in the cinema, in the last row, so we coughed from behind and no one can stop in the afternoon if not too much was going on at the cinema.
Then the check-up came at 30.12. We know the results of day 100 (11.12.2008) and was not quite so positive. The T-cells have fallen to 62%. The WBC are rising only very slowly and were never since the Tanrsplant of 3000 are now fallen to 1700.
It prepares us for further action. If the cells continue to fall, it would be possible for Marie-Therese to remove blood and filter out only the white cells, and to give Phil. The "new" white cells to recognize the old cells as foreign and Philip eat them together.
Because you but it can not dispense so fine GVHD arises because again - attacking the other organs such as skin, gut and liver - donor effect on beneficiaries. So once again immune blockers and after construction, etc. .. The matter would push our optimistic schedule by 6 months back.
We were so busy on New Year's Eve quite thoughtfully and with us and therefore have nothing written in his diary.
On 8 January was a sister to Mobile patch changes and catheter flushing at home, and on Friday 16.1. we were back to control in the hospital and experienced consistently positive results.
The results and findings from 8.1. are again heavy fine. The donor cells are grown to 92% - hurraaaa - the WBC are just over 4000, ie almost normal healthy values.
all be back on track, the joy was great. We had a very detailed conversation with the great Oberärtzin the SCT follow-up clinic and are happy again.
Many small details in the complicated blood counts are still not quite up to normal, but quite good values correspond to the day 120th The skin will slowly back to normal. No more delicate baby skin on the hands and soles, the skin gets a healthy color and slowly becomes elastic and smooth.
provision was to Philip on Friday also equal vaccinated against the flu and we get a vaccination plan for the next 3 months. Sample all the basic vaccinations be rescheduled as well as a Neugebohrenen. Although he has taken over parts of the immune system of its Schwesetr, but we know that this is too little to counter. So now every 4 weeks Phil gets two multiple vaccinations. Currently, he may only totgeimpft, after 1-2 years can begin live vaccines.
comes from today's perspective, then 2 times at an interval of almost 2 weeks, a sister to us for the mobile home blood collection.
Philip must again until late February / early March (day 160) to control the hospital. As another bone marrow biopsy is in the log. If the blood levels remain so well developed in this train comes out also (finally) the venous catheter. Thus, Philip could shower a week later back to normal and needs no more annoying catheter care.
Philip's attendance at school must be immediately increased as well. Depending on his health, he will decide for themselves what is to create physically.
Although he may still not use public transport, that is, we are again called for a new daily schedule to organize. In the early Philip by car to school and on call at lunchtime or the afternoon pick up.
So slowly the normal daily routine. Prohibitions remain public Bathrooms and large gatherings, restrictions remain for some food. So still only boiled, no lettuce, no nuts, no salami usw.etc ... The taste buds are increasingly normalize. Philip reports that now almost taste all things back the way he was used before. He has also increasingly re-taste and fancy's cooking. A true gourmet and fine tip precisely. :-)
Another thing pleasing:
end of December, the Health Fund has approved our cure.
We are all April in a family follow-up clinic in the beautiful Black Forest and hope all in the 4 weeks to get back his strength. Now, after 11 months we are all ziehmlich drained and exhausted, that's reflected on the mood and mind.
We desperately need a charging station for the mind, soul and body.
So now it's again become a longer text, but we are doing now better. :-) After
things change no longer quite so quickly, we will probably sign in the diary again only in March after the day 160 investigations before the cure.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Average Bmi For Each Country
The wood in their forests is scarce
The wood in our forests is just
Ahrensbök - firewood from the forest is more in demand than ever. But the material does not grow to fast enough. Moreover, wood is more expensive.
If Eckehard Heisinger on his farm the forester Ahrensbök villages in the election of wood on Mondays hours to ask, is offered to the district manager the same picture: "The people I run down the door," says Ahrensbök chief forester. Their suggestion: bring firewood from the forest, there's no tomorrow.
as "self-advertiser" is known in the forestry language those who saw themselves becoming the increasingly popular fuel in the forests. "The demand is steadily increasing, forest districts as we can hardly satisfy them still," said Heisinger. Here alone there have been in the past five years to a fivefold increase in wood demand.
Thus, the wood in Ostholstein forests is scarce. In particular, the high-quality firewood - the hardwood such as beech, oak or ash. Heisinger: "Before, everyone got his wood, but now I have to send each other, which ask people to go home." In addition, the timber shortage leads to the fact that instead of the massive tribes now thick as an arm trees are beaten.
The problem: beech or oak does not grow so fast, and accordingly it is also missing in the 1800-hectare area Ahrensbök of suitable hardwood. "When I first got here fifteen years ago, we had ten young fellers each winter, now there are almost 200 of Eutin to Lübeck," says the district manager. Sure, have changed in this period prices. Paid to the early 90s, five marks per cubic meter, there are now 20 €. Whopping five euros more than a year ago.
Eckehard Heisinger has realized that now more and more self-advertisers have switched to softwood. What Heisinger long wonder, "because in Bavaria and Scandinavia is burned primarily softwood. It is this heating value almost equivalent, "because the resin content is much larger."
total, the business with the log after the prices of gas and oil are at a high level. Thus, creating more and more households to alternatives, such as they retool to large kilns. Also in the house heats Heisinger one cold this winter instead of heating oil now with a solid fuel heating. This means that large quantities of wood logs up to 50 centimeters in length, can be fired. "This is much cheaper than oil or gas heat," said Forest boss Ahrensbök.
If the general public wants to stock up now - alone on the farm villages in the choice wood store, despite the scarcity of the precious commodity around 100 cubic meters of seasoned hardwood. Requests will Eckehard Heisinger requests using Telephone 045 25/490 50th
By Christian Rabe
The wood in our forests is just
Ahrensbök - firewood from the forest is more in demand than ever. But the material does not grow to fast enough. Moreover, wood is more expensive.
If Eckehard Heisinger on his farm the forester Ahrensbök villages in the election of wood on Mondays hours to ask, is offered to the district manager the same picture: "The people I run down the door," says Ahrensbök chief forester. Their suggestion: bring firewood from the forest, there's no tomorrow.
as "self-advertiser" is known in the forestry language those who saw themselves becoming the increasingly popular fuel in the forests. "The demand is steadily increasing, forest districts as we can hardly satisfy them still," said Heisinger. Here alone there have been in the past five years to a fivefold increase in wood demand.
Thus, the wood in Ostholstein forests is scarce. In particular, the high-quality firewood - the hardwood such as beech, oak or ash. Heisinger: "Before, everyone got his wood, but now I have to send each other, which ask people to go home." In addition, the timber shortage leads to the fact that instead of the massive tribes now thick as an arm trees are beaten.
The problem: beech or oak does not grow so fast, and accordingly it is also missing in the 1800-hectare area Ahrensbök of suitable hardwood. "When I first got here fifteen years ago, we had ten young fellers each winter, now there are almost 200 of Eutin to Lübeck," says the district manager. Sure, have changed in this period prices. Paid to the early 90s, five marks per cubic meter, there are now 20 €. Whopping five euros more than a year ago.
Eckehard Heisinger has realized that now more and more self-advertisers have switched to softwood. What Heisinger long wonder, "because in Bavaria and Scandinavia is burned primarily softwood. It is this heating value almost equivalent, "because the resin content is much larger."
total, the business with the log after the prices of gas and oil are at a high level. Thus, creating more and more households to alternatives, such as they retool to large kilns. Also in the house heats Heisinger one cold this winter instead of heating oil now with a solid fuel heating. This means that large quantities of wood logs up to 50 centimeters in length, can be fired. "This is much cheaper than oil or gas heat," said Forest boss Ahrensbök.
If the general public wants to stock up now - alone on the farm villages in the choice wood store, despite the scarcity of the precious commodity around 100 cubic meters of seasoned hardwood. Requests will Eckehard Heisinger requests using Telephone 045 25/490 50th
By Christian Rabe
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pain After Brazillian Wax

Oliver B. (44)
Oliver B. (44) accidentally shot his friend dead
: Hunter Franz-Josef M. (46)
Tot: Hunter Franz-Josef M. (46)
* *
He thought he was a wild boar hunter Hunter shoots!
tragic end of a hunt: A forester mistook his friend with a wild boar hunt, put on - and shot the dude!
About 50 drivers and hunters gathered at the Gutachtal (Baden-Württemberg), to shoot wild boar. Farmers had complained that ravage the Rotten their fields. At noon the drama: Oliver B. (44) heard a rustling, put on. Through the scope he saw a dark Shadow. He held the outlines of a wild boar fired!
fact, he shot at his hunting friend, Franz-Josef M. (46) hunting friend who had been crouching in a poncho 50-80 yards in the bushes. The ambulance could only find his death.
investigating the shooting, the police on suspicion of negligent homicide.
Bad Side Effects Of Biotene Toothpaste
head shot in hunting accident near Einhausen
nIf: 40-year-old man died from head Leeheim shot in hunting accident near Einhausen
hunter was killed on the spot
from our editorial staff member Karl-Josef bankers
mountain road. Died on Saturday at 15.15 clock in a forty-year-old hunter from Einhausen Leeheim. The Farmer leaves a wife and three children.
The man was on the edge of Weschnitz community by a bullet in the head. He was killed on the spot invites
The hunt, the hunt for tenants Anton Rau for many years, in Einhausen a social event. To welcome the guests appeared Mayor Phil drills and wished every success.
hunting Mr heeded safety
were hunting Mr. Rau before the bustle known the rules. He specifically emphasized that only the driver, no shooting in the bustle.
As participants told of the hunt, the drivers were allowed to protect their security from Weapons load not once, but put only one shot from fishing nearby when they meet waidwund the animal.
Immediately before the man collapsed with a head shot rang out in the third and bustle of the day the call "pigs." It was shot several times. As an eyewitness reported, was the hunter, who wore an orange safety cap, displayed simultaneously by a driver and a hunter.
Hunting has terminated immediately. Ambulances and helicopters were summoned to the accident site. The emergency physician, however, could only finds death.
in the hunt were involved, police said 37 fighters and 12 drivers. The criminal investigation began the investigation immediately. The weapons hunters were recovered. Shall conduct the investigation for manslaughter. By the police is seen to reach an accident. More
sequence of events unknown date, the exact sequence of events
is unclear. Unclear are the positions of all parties at the relevant time. All this should be clarified through interviews. Perhaps it is also a site visit, in which the hunting situation is simulated.
In a hunt for his shot every shooter is responsible. It is an iron rule that is fired only with a ball, when a secure backstop is present.
When hunting in Einhausen it went on pheasant and wild boar. Some hunters had only had cans (Ball weapons), others had combined arms (ball and shot), few had only shotguns there.
The nature of the projectile that hit the 40-year-old Leeheim, the judicial police has not made any statement. Hunter immediately after the event to accident victims were reported from one from the chin to the back of the head extending income channel. Due to the size of the injury they closed on a so-called gun-barrel bullet. It is a massive piece of lead, which is loaded in place of a shotgun cartridge when it is created on heavy game.
suspect participants of the hunt, that such a gun-barrel bullet bounced off the frozen ground. This would also explain the course of shooting channel. The police confirmed this assumption is not.
from ballistic studies have shown that projectiles can travel far from heavy hunting rifles up to 5000 meters. Slug projectiles have a hazard radius of up to 1500 meters. Shot pellets can fly up to 400 meters.
Another accident in the Black Forest
The tragic events in Einhausen was the first hunting accident in the Bergstrasse district in living memory.
nIf: 40-year-old man died from head Leeheim shot in hunting accident near Einhausen
hunter was killed on the spot
from our editorial staff member Karl-Josef bankers
mountain road. Died on Saturday at 15.15 clock in a forty-year-old hunter from Einhausen Leeheim. The Farmer leaves a wife and three children.
The man was on the edge of Weschnitz community by a bullet in the head. He was killed on the spot invites
The hunt, the hunt for tenants Anton Rau for many years, in Einhausen a social event. To welcome the guests appeared Mayor Phil drills and wished every success.
hunting Mr heeded safety
were hunting Mr. Rau before the bustle known the rules. He specifically emphasized that only the driver, no shooting in the bustle.
As participants told of the hunt, the drivers were allowed to protect their security from Weapons load not once, but put only one shot from fishing nearby when they meet waidwund the animal.
Immediately before the man collapsed with a head shot rang out in the third and bustle of the day the call "pigs." It was shot several times. As an eyewitness reported, was the hunter, who wore an orange safety cap, displayed simultaneously by a driver and a hunter.
Hunting has terminated immediately. Ambulances and helicopters were summoned to the accident site. The emergency physician, however, could only finds death.
in the hunt were involved, police said 37 fighters and 12 drivers. The criminal investigation began the investigation immediately. The weapons hunters were recovered. Shall conduct the investigation for manslaughter. By the police is seen to reach an accident. More
sequence of events unknown date, the exact sequence of events
is unclear. Unclear are the positions of all parties at the relevant time. All this should be clarified through interviews. Perhaps it is also a site visit, in which the hunting situation is simulated.
In a hunt for his shot every shooter is responsible. It is an iron rule that is fired only with a ball, when a secure backstop is present.
When hunting in Einhausen it went on pheasant and wild boar. Some hunters had only had cans (Ball weapons), others had combined arms (ball and shot), few had only shotguns there.
The nature of the projectile that hit the 40-year-old Leeheim, the judicial police has not made any statement. Hunter immediately after the event to accident victims were reported from one from the chin to the back of the head extending income channel. Due to the size of the injury they closed on a so-called gun-barrel bullet. It is a massive piece of lead, which is loaded in place of a shotgun cartridge when it is created on heavy game.
suspect participants of the hunt, that such a gun-barrel bullet bounced off the frozen ground. This would also explain the course of shooting channel. The police confirmed this assumption is not.
from ballistic studies have shown that projectiles can travel far from heavy hunting rifles up to 5000 meters. Slug projectiles have a hazard radius of up to 1500 meters. Shot pellets can fly up to 400 meters.
Another accident in the Black Forest
The tragic events in Einhausen was the first hunting accident in the Bergstrasse district in living memory.
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Förster shot while hunting
Ranger on the hunt
shot in his scope he had a dark Shadow realized he thought was a wild boar. The reports of the shooter who fired the fatal shot at the 46-year-old forester, the police.
The deceased is survived by his wife and two teenage children. Battue taken. Thereby producing driver or dog a relatively gentle pressure on the game, so they do not flee in panic, but to settle slow and easier to waiting hunters are shooting.
With the possibility of rangers and a 44-year-old Jagdkammerrad, with whom he was good friends with. These two fighters were deployed in the bath close to that of books and Scheibeneck Gutach after leading Prechtal L 107 to watch for wild game hunting colleagues should zutreiben them.
The forester had wrapped in a poncho, sitting on a pole leaning against a tree and waited for deer. His friend was only 50 to 80 meters below this point. As the police reported to have stated, did not know that the forester was staying close to him.
When the hunter a "rustling" in the forest heard, he raised his gun. He looked into the scope supposedly a dark shadow he thought was a wild boar, and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck, however, the forester in the back. An emergency could only find his death. The deceased leaves a wife and two teenage children.
Ranger on the hunt
shot in his scope he had a dark Shadow realized he thought was a wild boar. The reports of the shooter who fired the fatal shot at the 46-year-old forester, the police.
The deceased is survived by his wife and two teenage children. Battue taken. Thereby producing driver or dog a relatively gentle pressure on the game, so they do not flee in panic, but to settle slow and easier to waiting hunters are shooting.
With the possibility of rangers and a 44-year-old Jagdkammerrad, with whom he was good friends with. These two fighters were deployed in the bath close to that of books and Scheibeneck Gutach after leading Prechtal L 107 to watch for wild game hunting colleagues should zutreiben them.
The forester had wrapped in a poncho, sitting on a pole leaning against a tree and waited for deer. His friend was only 50 to 80 meters below this point. As the police reported to have stated, did not know that the forester was staying close to him.
When the hunter a "rustling" in the forest heard, he raised his gun. He looked into the scope supposedly a dark shadow he thought was a wild boar, and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck, however, the forester in the back. An emergency could only find his death. The deceased leaves a wife and two teenage children.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What Cleats Did Michael Vick Wear
firewood next available
Firewood is available on
Dießen A year ago the supply of firewood even became the subject in the municipal elections in Diessen. They worried that the new district forester would make in Thaining continue as normal wood in small quantities. Meanwhile, the situation is quite different dar. critics of the past manifest themselves now quite satisfied with the procurement practices by the forest company. The plan to found a cooperative was wood, not incidentally, followed up.
these days are in the state forests on the mountain fortress at Dießen again the so-called small self-promotional activities and "we have achieved almost the cooperative principle," says the farmer Wengener Klement Noll. Although it occurred and a handful of self-mates not to advertisers as a community to the forest enterprise, but every man for himself. But you work with one another if the forester marked woodland to be searched, Noll said Klement.
the features of the group include, apart from chain saws and wood splitters and three hauling. While Noll and Peter Meier Easter back to their colleagues the wood to the way other companies do it for the wood columns. "We help each other," Noll describes the working principle. "We're still open for others. Who wants to join us, but should deal with a power saw and a splitter. "
With the practice of last year at a CSU-election rally still heavily criticized forestry operation is Noll satisfied now, "They have again wood provided, and because we have moved at an early stage, we have also got."
The controversy last year, did particularly well, therefore, that the forestry operation a different marketing strategy is. The manual thinning by self-advertisers should be reduced, instead, provide the State Forester increased four-foot pieces of wood from street. For in the meantime is usually mechanically harvested wood. It collided with the interests of farmers as Klement Noll, for his horses in winter needs for an opportunity.
that wood back by horse from the perspective of forestry out of date, is incomprehensible to Noll. Although harvesters and forwarder had a greater throughput of wood, "but the ride with 700 hp and hands me a PS.
four-foot pieces from forest road are very popular
Meanwhile, confirms forester Stefan Bauer from Thai Ning, have calmed the situation in Dießen. "This is the last year so politically highly cooked, now we're back in reality." And the looks in the Bauerfeind like that are now asking the four-meter pieces from forest road much more than the manual thinning. "Most are immediately changed sides willingly on a four-foot pieces." The savings is so low that it had earned for the "dangerous and very hard work" of felling, stripping down and back in an hour, only three euros. In his district, so the estimate of the forester to be up three-quarters of the firewood sold from the forest road. "The tendency to fell the trees themselves, has declined dramatically."
from the idea of a cooperative of foresters would not have been particularly impressed by the way. The required large areas of forest operation would not have to provide.
Firewood is available on
01/07/2009 18:25 clock
By Gerald Modlin
Dießen A year ago the supply of firewood even became the subject in the municipal elections in Diessen. They worried that the new district forester would make in Thaining continue as normal wood in small quantities. Meanwhile, the situation is quite different dar. critics of the past manifest themselves now quite satisfied with the procurement practices by the forest company. The plan to found a cooperative was wood, not incidentally, followed up.
these days are in the state forests on the mountain fortress at Dießen again the so-called small self-promotional activities and "we have achieved almost the cooperative principle," says the farmer Wengener Klement Noll. Although it occurred and a handful of self-mates not to advertisers as a community to the forest enterprise, but every man for himself. But you work with one another if the forester marked woodland to be searched, Noll said Klement.
the features of the group include, apart from chain saws and wood splitters and three hauling. While Noll and Peter Meier Easter back to their colleagues the wood to the way other companies do it for the wood columns. "We help each other," Noll describes the working principle. "We're still open for others. Who wants to join us, but should deal with a power saw and a splitter. "
With the practice of last year at a CSU-election rally still heavily criticized forestry operation is Noll satisfied now, "They have again wood provided, and because we have moved at an early stage, we have also got."
The controversy last year, did particularly well, therefore, that the forestry operation a different marketing strategy is. The manual thinning by self-advertisers should be reduced, instead, provide the State Forester increased four-foot pieces of wood from street. For in the meantime is usually mechanically harvested wood. It collided with the interests of farmers as Klement Noll, for his horses in winter needs for an opportunity.
that wood back by horse from the perspective of forestry out of date, is incomprehensible to Noll. Although harvesters and forwarder had a greater throughput of wood, "but the ride with 700 hp and hands me a PS.
four-foot pieces from forest road are very popular
Meanwhile, confirms forester Stefan Bauer from Thai Ning, have calmed the situation in Dießen. "This is the last year so politically highly cooked, now we're back in reality." And the looks in the Bauerfeind like that are now asking the four-meter pieces from forest road much more than the manual thinning. "Most are immediately changed sides willingly on a four-foot pieces." The savings is so low that it had earned for the "dangerous and very hard work" of felling, stripping down and back in an hour, only three euros. In his district, so the estimate of the forester to be up three-quarters of the firewood sold from the forest road. "The tendency to fell the trees themselves, has declined dramatically."
from the idea of a cooperative of foresters would not have been particularly impressed by the way. The required large areas of forest operation would not have to provide.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
How To Request Money Instead Of Gifts
Christmas tree, Christmas tree or Tannenbaum
Christmas tree, Christmas tree or Tannenbaum
Long before the Christian era is evoked in the winter with green bushes and trees, the return of spring. There were also lights trees or fruit trees, which the gods of the sun and fertility were offered thanks and victim. In the north were beaten in the period between Christmas and later the Epiphany, the so-called twelve o'clock rough nights, green branches, have healing and protective powers were attributed. In England they already decorated in pre-Christian times in the days of the winter solstice, houses and shops with evergreen shrubs.
prohibited under this pagan origins of the Church in the early Middle Ages the green decoration at Christmas time. But from the time in 1600 reported that all the houses, churches and streets with garlands of evergreen oak, ivy and laurel were decorated to the birth of Christ, this delicate but immortal plant to recall.
Today's Christmas or Christmas tree has two predecessors. On the one hand Weyhe Meyen eight of the Middle Ages, green buds, which house and barn were stained - a Lebensrute (like the tail of Saint Nicholas - not Züchtigungsrute, but the highlight of this rod gave a blessing and luck). On the other hand, Klaus tree, sometimes called paradise, a triangular arrangement apple and boxwood garlands wrapped bars. The top apple was stuck with a candle. This tree is also regarded as the origin of our Advent wreath. In the 15th
and 16 Century, they took everything into the house, which was green: holly, boxwood, rosemary and branches of conifers and deciduous trees, the leaves or flowers for Christmas exaggerated. These plants were put into a corner and hung with apples, wafers, sugar dolls or toys, which the children on 6 January could plunder.
first occurrence of our modern Christmas tree is from Alsace and Black Forest reported in 1600. These were decorated with paper roses, apples, small, flat cakes, sweets and tinsel.
The history of the Christmas tree is turned to that of Protestantism connected, as the reformers tried early on all the popular pagan customs to remove from the Christmas party. These customs include: processions peasant woman Perchta, Mother Holle, the Julbock rattle or bracket and another masquerade. It was they who moved the children from St. Nicholas to the Christmas Giving. Thus the Christmas tree symbol of the Protestant churches and the nativity scene which the Catholic Christians. Until the 2nd World War was thus the Christmas tree disuse in Italy, Spain, France and Austria - in the Catholic countries of Europe. Hessian soldiers and emigrants, the fir tree in the 17 and 18 Century, taken to America. In the 19th Century, the general focus of the lights fir Christmas party and placed in the churches of both denominations. In the time of the Napoleonic wars was the Christmas tree is a sign of the Germans and was widely distributed across Europe.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree or Tannenbaum
prohibited under this pagan origins of the Church in the early Middle Ages the green decoration at Christmas time. But from the time in 1600 reported that all the houses, churches and streets with garlands of evergreen oak, ivy and laurel were decorated to the birth of Christ, this delicate but immortal plant to recall.
Today's Christmas or Christmas tree has two predecessors. On the one hand Weyhe Meyen eight of the Middle Ages, green buds, which house and barn were stained - a Lebensrute (like the tail of Saint Nicholas - not Züchtigungsrute, but the highlight of this rod gave a blessing and luck). On the other hand, Klaus tree, sometimes called paradise, a triangular arrangement apple and boxwood garlands wrapped bars. The top apple was stuck with a candle. This tree is also regarded as the origin of our Advent wreath. In the 15th
and 16 Century, they took everything into the house, which was green: holly, boxwood, rosemary and branches of conifers and deciduous trees, the leaves or flowers for Christmas exaggerated. These plants were put into a corner and hung with apples, wafers, sugar dolls or toys, which the children on 6 January could plunder.
first occurrence of our modern Christmas tree is from Alsace and Black Forest reported in 1600. These were decorated with paper roses, apples, small, flat cakes, sweets and tinsel.
The history of the Christmas tree is turned to that of Protestantism connected, as the reformers tried early on all the popular pagan customs to remove from the Christmas party. These customs include: processions peasant woman Perchta, Mother Holle, the Julbock rattle or bracket and another masquerade. It was they who moved the children from St. Nicholas to the Christmas Giving. Thus the Christmas tree symbol of the Protestant churches and the nativity scene which the Catholic Christians. Until the 2nd World War was thus the Christmas tree disuse in Italy, Spain, France and Austria - in the Catholic countries of Europe. Hessian soldiers and emigrants, the fir tree in the 17 and 18 Century, taken to America. In the 19th Century, the general focus of the lights fir Christmas party and placed in the churches of both denominations. In the time of the Napoleonic wars was the Christmas tree is a sign of the Germans and was widely distributed across Europe.
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