we part. uwe (Africa Twin), heidi and Lutz (LandCruiser) return to Nepal, Ruediger (far left, honda africa twin on trailer) flies to Germany. joern (yellow Mercedes), felix (yellow magirus), Richard (muz on trailer) and Josef tours (green mercedes) or anything by india. we meet all (border near Pakistan) New Year's Eve in amritsar again.
we are going to be divorced o) uwe (honda africa twin), heidi and Lutz (toyota land cruiser) are going back to Nepal soon. Ruediger (left, honda africa twin on trailer) will fly to germany. joern (yellow Mercedes), felix (yellow magirus), Richard (muz on Rails) and Joseph (green mercedes) will cruise through india for a couple of days. all of us are going to meet each other in amritsar (close to Pakistan border) for new year celebration.

our neighbors . Mark and evi Switzerland from the bus with its fwd.
our neighbors . Mark and evi from suisse with their VW camper.

visitors. parents of Steffen.

holiday mood . Robert (left), Dana and Steffen are filling Melones with "old monk" (rum), o)

oh great einfield royal.
incredible royal enfield .
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