Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ap Bio Lab 8 Answers Weinberg

:-))))))) day 64 - Tuesday 4th November 2008

It is done, Phil can again sleep at home.

After the results of the puncture on day 60 (Friday 31.10.) Are quite ok, Philipp daily more and more eating and increased fluid intake especially the day he was on Tue 11/04/2008 by the hospital (final) released. Now, after three unsuccessful Anäufen, finally fix at home.

He is also really good at this time. He's bouncy, makes pulling your leg a lot, and is physically within the possibilities in a good mood.
Although he is very thin, but he has risen in the last few days of 1 kilogram. So the trend fits.

Now that he's home and he feels, I can say yes: The release has been announced late last week, but because of the many disappointments of the past weeks we have not dared to talk about it. ,-O

After more than two months, we may get used again to a "new" routine. We are a fully united family again. Hurraaaaaa.
breakfast together, chat together in the evening, watch TV and play without having to be on time in the hospital. Full Toll ;-)))

Phil also gets all right appetite, stows away goose with red cabbage and dumplings, bacon, lentils and other hearty stuff. The stomach tolerates it and the body needs it.

From today's perspective, we also now have renewed hope for the day 100, ie on 10
December, as planned, the next bone marrow aspiration to take the test and if by then everything will fit right in the course of this anesthetic the venous catheter back out. Then there's Christmas without the annoying Pommel without catheter care and already drain again, almost without restrictions. We all hope that it is now really going uphill. The points were made, the evidence available.


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