Thailand: No import duty on alcohol
From 1 January 2010 there will be no more import tax on alcoholic beverages, as Thailand to the ASEAN Free Trade Area (Afta) is one. At the ASEAN summit was decided that ten ASEAN countries establish a free trade zone.
The Cabinet is now facing with the problem that foreign alcoholic drinks will be cheaper than Thai, as this with 0% taxes be occupied.
therefore is before 1 January, the excise tax be raised to the Thai market is not flooded with foreign drinks and Thais are not in the position to look more deeply into the glass as already now.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
How Long Does It Take The Army For An Hiv Test
Learn Thai - FREE and easy via a Youtube video course
Youtube is always good for a surprise. That there is not just raunchy clips, music videos, or embarrassing moments, is perhaps not known to everyone. But one only has to look right. It actually refers 
following Youtube members offer such courses:

learning thai: ]
Thailessons is currently the course with the most contributions.
Using the online service KeepVid
can be easily and safely store the videos on your own computer.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Heavy Early And Short Period
Working safely on the Internet in SOA
thousands do it ...
Whether "emigrants" and short or long stays or dropouts, all have one thing in common, they live in Asia, but earn their money on the internet . Global Working as it is called today. Many work as a webmaster, web designer, graphic designer, Finanzspezalisten, Stockbroker, 3D computer graphics animators, game developers, or simply as "professional" bloggers. The list could continue for endless.
All but one thing in common. You are dependent on a secure and fast Internet connection.
Unfortunately, Asia is not Europe or North America. This is much different than it used to at home is, you realize pretty quickly. Then there are the first problems which, if they earn their money on the internet very quickly to big problems if not even the collapse of the "livelihood" lead.
It already starts with the reliability of the hardware. Many bring their own laptop to start or computer hardware from home with. Anyone who knows a little bit and a couple of times in Asia was to know that there are no final inspections for goods. Even with the warranty, it is not made for the best.
But - even the most reliable hardware stops in Asia, not by the very high humidity and heat caused forever. There are also frequently low power, insects (such as. Tiny ants crawling like in electronics and cause short circuits, up to certain molds, which preferably infest the organic substrate layers of CD and DVD blanks. This is mainly the fact that a number of blanks are commercially available, their surfaces were not end-sealed. This costly process is to increase the profit margin, saves easily. In 3rd grade goods, the normal case.
All in all, much of what you have to consider. Not to mention the actual Internet connection altogether.
indispensable - if not even be vital if one is dependent on safe working with no data loss are the following:
* security of electricity supply by UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
(also called UPS). These supply in case of power failure for a period of time the computer with power. In addition, this device starts from a possibly emerging surge.
* Additional cooling - in laptops offer at the Cooler Pad. These are equipped with 2 or more fans conditions that ensure the air flow through for additional cooling. For tower or desktop cases, the installation of additional coolers is recommended. Especially in the area of the disks (there own hard drive cooler) and the graphics card cooling is sufficiently important. One should also take care during installation, which the air circulation is not "extinguish" each other.
* Protection from insects - is carried out almost 100%. There are "tropical" and outdoor-ready laptops (eg Panasonic, Dell, Gericom). Who is called something like your own is best prepared and can sit back and relaxed. Otherwise, may help the use of mosquito nets, you can cut the openings and thus abklebt Tower and desktop enclosures.
* protection and backup of data - a first and sensitive issue. We should and must make regular backups of their data. CD and DVD are only suitable for SOA in a longer-term storage. Due to the environmental influences that are destroying the storage layer of the fired blanks by itself or goes out completely sung and unsung.
interesting therefore MOBILE HARD DRIVES, MEMORY CARDS, USB stick or even better online data storage (online storage) are.
Just the physical retrieval of the data is the falling prices and rising Datenkapayitaeten more interesting. Many large companies use SOA this possibility. The advantages are obvious. The data are from the elements, theft or espionage geschützt.Zudem visible across the world and you have to worry about the hardware.
However applies here once again: what is free and is worthless! There are many free Internet services. However, these neither the necessary security in terms of Storage, nor are the data safe from thieves. Some companies also provide short term by the Free Service in order to pay. Then one has paid is so satisfied before a closed door and comes to its own data approached again until you gefordertenm the membership fee (you can also call ransom).
Fortunately, there are more and more to offer low cost services to large online data storage. Highly recommended here, the German-Swedish company is They offer 750 GB of storage that can be both websites but also fully or partially used as an online store. There is a special software, the online storage as another drive on your home computer use makes. A special tap-proof encryption is also offered. The price is currently € 7.38 per month including a domain of free choice, by payment of 12 months, we have 2 months free extension.
All major credit cards, and online services such as Paypal and Moneybookers accepted. Installation is a matter of minutes to hours.
* Security against online espionage, password theft and account abuse - one of the biggest problems in SOA. Basically, NO Internet Cafe is safe. Almost all computers are infected with viruses or password loggers. Or from the operators of the shops knowingly equipped and bestow them a lucrative Additional business. There are platforms on the Internet where you can offer the information received in exchange for cash and sell easily.
Also WiFi networks or the "own" the Internet connection provider is overheard. By authorities, but also by employees of the provider, the telecom company or the Net-kiddies (young people whose hobby is nonsense on the internet to drive).
remedy here a VPN connection. Virtual Private Network tunnel is a type of data is produced on the Internet between two computers. Here, a special software, all data is encrypted multiple times and puts them together at the other end. Such a connection is not intercepted, because the "spy" only small can intercept unrelated data packets which are illegible.
Most cases of bank card fraud in SOA and spy on the data began to be online. The owner himself is the greatest security risk awareness!
thousands do it ...
Whether "emigrants" and short or long stays or dropouts, all have one thing in common, they live in Asia, but earn their money on the internet . Global Working as it is called today. Many work as a webmaster, web designer, graphic designer, Finanzspezalisten, Stockbroker, 3D computer graphics animators, game developers, or simply as "professional" bloggers. The list could continue for endless.
All but one thing in common. You are dependent on a secure and fast Internet connection.
Unfortunately, Asia is not Europe or North America. This is much different than it used to at home is, you realize pretty quickly. Then there are the first problems which, if they earn their money on the internet very quickly to big problems if not even the collapse of the "livelihood" lead.
It already starts with the reliability of the hardware. Many bring their own laptop to start or computer hardware from home with. Anyone who knows a little bit and a couple of times in Asia was to know that there are no final inspections for goods. Even with the warranty, it is not made for the best.

But - even the most reliable hardware stops in Asia, not by the very high humidity and heat caused forever. There are also frequently low power, insects (such as. Tiny ants crawling like in electronics and cause short circuits, up to certain molds, which preferably infest the organic substrate layers of CD and DVD blanks. This is mainly the fact that a number of blanks are commercially available, their surfaces were not end-sealed. This costly process is to increase the profit margin, saves easily. In 3rd grade goods, the normal case.
All in all, much of what you have to consider. Not to mention the actual Internet connection altogether.
indispensable - if not even be vital if one is dependent on safe working with no data loss are the following:

* security of electricity supply by UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
(also called UPS). These supply in case of power failure for a period of time the computer with power. In addition, this device starts from a possibly emerging surge.
* Additional cooling - in laptops offer at the Cooler Pad. These are equipped with 2 or more fans conditions that ensure the air flow through for additional cooling. For tower or desktop cases, the installation of additional coolers is recommended. Especially in the area of the disks (there own hard drive cooler) and the graphics card cooling is sufficiently important. One should also take care during installation, which the air circulation is not "extinguish" each other.
* Protection from insects - is carried out almost 100%. There are "tropical" and outdoor-ready laptops (eg Panasonic, Dell, Gericom). Who is called something like your own is best prepared and can sit back and relaxed. Otherwise, may help the use of mosquito nets, you can cut the openings and thus abklebt Tower and desktop enclosures.
* protection and backup of data - a first and sensitive issue. We should and must make regular backups of their data. CD and DVD are only suitable for SOA in a longer-term storage. Due to the environmental influences that are destroying the storage layer of the fired blanks by itself or goes out completely sung and unsung.
interesting therefore MOBILE HARD DRIVES, MEMORY CARDS, USB stick or even better online data storage (online storage) are.
Just the physical retrieval of the data is the falling prices and rising Datenkapayitaeten more interesting. Many large companies use SOA this possibility. The advantages are obvious. The data are from the elements, theft or espionage geschützt.Zudem visible across the world and you have to worry about the hardware.
However applies here once again: what is free and is worthless! There are many free Internet services. However, these neither the necessary security in terms of Storage, nor are the data safe from thieves. Some companies also provide short term by the Free Service in order to pay. Then one has paid is so satisfied before a closed door and comes to its own data approached again until you gefordertenm the membership fee (you can also call ransom).
Fortunately, there are more and more to offer low cost services to large online data storage. Highly recommended here, the German-Swedish company is They offer 750 GB of storage that can be both websites but also fully or partially used as an online store. There is a special software, the online storage as another drive on your home computer use makes. A special tap-proof encryption is also offered. The price is currently € 7.38 per month including a domain of free choice, by payment of 12 months, we have 2 months free extension.
All major credit cards, and online services such as Paypal and Moneybookers accepted. Installation is a matter of minutes to hours.

* Security against online espionage, password theft and account abuse - one of the biggest problems in SOA. Basically, NO Internet Cafe is safe. Almost all computers are infected with viruses or password loggers. Or from the operators of the shops knowingly equipped and bestow them a lucrative Additional business. There are platforms on the Internet where you can offer the information received in exchange for cash and sell easily.
Also WiFi networks or the "own" the Internet connection provider is overheard. By authorities, but also by employees of the provider, the telecom company or the Net-kiddies (young people whose hobby is nonsense on the internet to drive).
remedy here a VPN connection. Virtual Private Network tunnel is a type of data is produced on the Internet between two computers. Here, a special software, all data is encrypted multiple times and puts them together at the other end. Such a connection is not intercepted, because the "spy" only small can intercept unrelated data packets which are illegible.
Most cases of bank card fraud in SOA and spy on the data began to be online. The owner himself is the greatest security risk awareness!

Welcome And Visitor Supplies
IInzwischen exists almost everywhere in Thailand the opportunity fast ADSL internet access to receive. In this case the customer an existing telephone line via a special switch (splitter) out. This switch directs the one hand, traffic to the PC, on the other hand, the telephone traffic the telephone. Telephone and data work independently of each other. So while surfing the Internet, problems simultaneously a phone call or a fax transmission. Because the data connection is not about the technology of the telephone network, no connection charges drop of a phone call, as usual with an analogue modem. The line length of the telephone line has a big influence on the possible data rate. The maximum line length for ADSL operation was estimated at about 5.5 km. In remote areas, this restriction will make use of an ADSL sometimes impossible. With increasing distance from the telephone exchange takes the possible data transfer rate continuously.
Internet providers often offer different tariffs with the same transmission rates at which differ apparently only in the price. The difference lies mostly in the so-called Contention Ratio. This technical term expresses how much load the provider of ADSL technology by simultaneous multiple use. So, for example a content ratio of 50, that 50 customers have to share the bandwidth. At peak times, they will lead quickly to bottlenecks, leading to an agonizingly slow page construction.
Content Ratio 10 = excellent to good to Content Ratio Content Ratio 30 = 50 = fair to poor (Subject to demand) is
Unfortunately, this value listed in the brochures hardly anywhere. It would probably just too daunting for the customer. On Demand CS Loxinfo has informed me the values for its ADSL tariffs (Booth 17 July 2005):
Basic DSL 256/128 for 990 Baht = Content Ratio 50
DSL 256/128 Advance for 1500 Baht = Content Ratio 30 DSL Pro 256/128 for 4500 are 10 Baht = Content Ratio Business guests are special rates with a content ratio of 1, although these are accordingly expensive ..
more information on ADSL in Thailand:
you there with the providers To examine whether their ADSL connection area is technically possible.
The Thai CAT also offers a phone independent of an ADSL connection with the name "Hi Net Broadband Internet". The data rate is estimated at up to 2 / 1 Mbps. In the international Internet traffic, this rate will continue to undermine. In areas where the existing telephone companies have range problems in setting up ADSL connections, it can offer the CAT, however, are often very helpful, since the CAT, the lines of their own exchanges provides. With any luck, this is then closer.
ISDN in Thailand
is In the city of many larger cities now have the opportunity to receive ISDN lines. With ISDN it is a special telephone line, the special telephone equipment and telephone equipment needed. Each ISDN line has 2 B channels that can be used simultaneously. Here, for example, one channel for telephone operation and the other channel is used simultaneously for data operation. Likewise, even twice a phone, or even twice a traffic possible. The data transfer rate of 64 kbit faster than a modem connection. Compared to the possible speed ADSL is still very modest. In addition, the technical requirements more expensive than ADSL. For companies that want to develop an ISDN PBX, ISDN in many areas, however, very useful. Possible extension to the terminal devices, etc. The private man, however, ADSL is expected to be preferred.
satellite Internet IPSTAR
Outside the urban areas is almost nowhere ADSL possible. Whom the modem connection is too slow, the switch has the option to the satellite Internet service ipStar. This service uses satellite links for both incoming and outgoing traffic. So it's no extra phone line needed. Pleasant, is that no dial-in is no longer necessary. It is thus 24 hours online, the Internet can therefore use any time soon.
I myself used ipStar between July 2004 and September 2005. was after applying for the service a week later to install the satellite antenna and ipStar box. It quickly became apparent that a permanent and reliable data rate seemed to be not just the strength of this service. The surfing was unfortunately subjective not faster than the modem. In contrast, downloads and uploads have an extreme difference was noticeable. Now and then I had short faults of a few minutes. For my online habits, this was not so tragic, I was able to continue my activities at a later date. People on the other hand, the online trading in the stock market, certainly more likely to have problems. After all, it was compared to the usual modem connection already a step forward. I am surprised that the ipStar box was very warm. For a tropical, hot country like Thailand, I could not imagine that this long without any negative consequences. As I feared, a few months later, a total failure of ipStar box. After an exchange ipStar functioned as usual. The Hotline staff was very friendly, but hesitated a long time until they finally make the exchange but did. In August 2005, the ipStar box also identified one more time in your service. The hotline was unfortunately not this time to adjust Moving weiterzuhelfen me. When, after multiple email and phone communication was no improvement in view, I was infuriated after three weeks and quit. In summary, I can say to me that the idea of an internet connection via satellite is convincing, but the implementation, at least in my case, the lack of effort by staff has failed. The fact that my internet connection within three weeks was not repaired, I think an inexcusable maladministration.
wireless broadband connection GPRS There is now also possible to surf the Internet, if no telephone line is available. This mobile phone technology in the GPRS mode is used. GPRS involves the construction of several compounds simultaneously, a relatively high data transfer rate. According to the provider of this technology is almost three times as fast as its a normal modem (up to 153 kbps). In Germany, carried out experiments in practice have shown a value of 60-70 kbps. Of hardware, a GPRS modem or mobile phone with GPRS capability is needed. Most newer phones (from about 5,000 baht) have mastered GPRS. To connect to the laptop or PC IrDA (infrared port), Bluetooth or a data cable. In my personal experience, one should only original data cable of the mobile phone manufacturer to use. I also after several days of experimenting with a data cable of a third party without success. The original cable solved the problem within minutes.
In my occasional travels, I use the internet with my laptop using GPRS on my Nokia phone. My One2call rate did not even have to be upgraded in any way. The Internet minutes will cost me at this rate 1 Baht / minute. Since I already during such trips only sporadically use the Internet to answer my emails, I did without special cheaper tariffs so far. th /
Wireless broadband EDGE
Enhanced GPRS variant with a theoretical link rate of 384 kbps. In practice, values are achieved from 150-200 kbps. EDGE is an effective interim solution to the installation of 3G. Of hardware, a GPRS / EDGE modem or mobile phone with EDGE capability is needed. Many newer phones have mastered EDGE. To connect to the laptop or PC IrDA (infrared port), Bluetooth or a data cable. In my personal experience, one should only use original data cable of the mobile phone manufacturer. Third-party data cables often cause problems, unfortunately.
Currently (December 2009), there are 3G only in a testing phase. Officially there is no nationwide 3G Thailand. Achievable link rate of up to 7.2 Mbit / s below (depending on the mode).
Hutch True
WiFi hot spots
Modern notebooks are usually integrated components in order to use the internet in wireless networking. It can of course also standard desktop PC's easily converted subsequently. Within a few hundred yards of the Sun Wireless WiFi hot spots of contact with the Internet. Most WiFi hot spots are likely to be found in Bangok and in tourist areas (airports, large hotels)
A Stamdortliste of available in Thailand WiFi hot spots following website provides: (English)
A solution similar to the WiFi hot spots, but with a much more range (max. 50 km). In computer magazines, it was reported that the computer chip giant Intel in collaboration with the provinces of Nakhon Ratchasima in True, Chiang Mai and Roi Et planning experimental setups of this technique. Speculation about a real-operation should therefore be premature at present.
cable TV network
was finally recognized by Thai TV cable network providers, that its very good infrastructure for the provision of Internet connections is. Thus, since mid-2007 signed by Sophon Cable Pattaya for such offer. Banglamung Cable has even taken the first Internet connections in operation. A splitter splits the TV cable between the TV and the so-called Lan Adapter Cable. This adapter then allows the PC to communicate with the Internet.
data transfer rate measure
The transmission rate, which appears in the Windows task bar, only shows the speed between your PC and your Internet provider. The performance of the actual network connection is not considered at all here. With one of the following links to the current transmission rate notice:
http://www / / testsuite
is also very important to use a port scanner. Recently, an increasing number of cases of Internet censorship. It is often the case once, the specific ports are blocked or throttled to prevent unsolicited mass emails or upload and download data. online port scanner
A few tests (, but they are not representative csloxinfo 1/2/2005, 11 clock 15 = 38.00 kbps (Modem)
Asia Net 2/8/2005, 14 clock 45 = 41.30 kbps (Modem) IPSTAR 8/2/2005, 14 clock 39 = 173.20 kbps (satellite) csloxinfo 07.17.2005, 18 Clock 44 = 212.10 kbps (DSL Basic 256/128)
Maxnet 06.19.2006, 15 Clock 00 = 168.50 kbps (Maxnet for Life 256/128)
AIS 17:07 .2006, 15 Clock 30 = 37.10 kbps (GPRS)
CAT 11/30/2007, 17 Clock 10 = 676 kbps (HiNet 2Mbit / s) 25/08/2008
CAT, 15 Clock 36 = 940 kbps (HiNet 2Mbit / s) Supernet 08.25.2008, 15 Clock 38 = 40 kbps (cable TV)
problems in e-mail
occur suddenly for some time problems in shipping of enamels on. Instead of sending the e-mail, the request is acknowledged with an error message. This happens only if there e-mail programs are used (Outlook and Co). The dispatch of a browser (IE, Firefox, and Co.) by means of web interface is not affected. In most cases this is simply because the Internet Service Provider (ISP) has blocked port 25 for the customer. would
changing the settings on your e-mail program
If this does not work, then as a last resort the use of a foreign SMTP server, ie the offer of your internet provider.
setting in Outlook Express:
Tools> Accounts> Properties> Server where such entry under the Outgoing mail (SMTP) to the appropriate server:
Unfortunately the latter procedure is also a serious disadvantage. When sending an e-mail from such foreign SMTP Server is a risk that the spam filter program of the receiver is filtered as junk. If such an emergency solution but can not be avoided, it would siinvoll at least his email contacts to inform that they will conform your e-mail address in the spam filter in the positive list.

Content Ratio 10 = excellent to good to Content Ratio Content Ratio 30 = 50 = fair to poor (Subject to demand) is
Unfortunately, this value listed in the brochures hardly anywhere. It would probably just too daunting for the customer. On Demand CS Loxinfo has informed me the values for its ADSL tariffs (Booth 17 July 2005):
Basic DSL 256/128 for 990 Baht = Content Ratio 50
DSL 256/128 Advance for 1500 Baht = Content Ratio 30 DSL Pro 256/128 for 4500 are 10 Baht = Content Ratio Business guests are special rates with a content ratio of 1, although these are accordingly expensive ..
more information on ADSL in Thailand:
you there with the providers To examine whether their ADSL connection area is technically possible.
The Thai CAT also offers a phone independent of an ADSL connection with the name "Hi Net Broadband Internet". The data rate is estimated at up to 2 / 1 Mbps. In the international Internet traffic, this rate will continue to undermine. In areas where the existing telephone companies have range problems in setting up ADSL connections, it can offer the CAT, however, are often very helpful, since the CAT, the lines of their own exchanges provides. With any luck, this is then closer.
ISDN in Thailand
is In the city of many larger cities now have the opportunity to receive ISDN lines. With ISDN it is a special telephone line, the special telephone equipment and telephone equipment needed. Each ISDN line has 2 B channels that can be used simultaneously. Here, for example, one channel for telephone operation and the other channel is used simultaneously for data operation. Likewise, even twice a phone, or even twice a traffic possible. The data transfer rate of 64 kbit faster than a modem connection. Compared to the possible speed ADSL is still very modest. In addition, the technical requirements more expensive than ADSL. For companies that want to develop an ISDN PBX, ISDN in many areas, however, very useful. Possible extension to the terminal devices, etc. The private man, however, ADSL is expected to be preferred.
satellite Internet IPSTAR
Outside the urban areas is almost nowhere ADSL possible. Whom the modem connection is too slow, the switch has the option to the satellite Internet service ipStar. This service uses satellite links for both incoming and outgoing traffic. So it's no extra phone line needed. Pleasant, is that no dial-in is no longer necessary. It is thus 24 hours online, the Internet can therefore use any time soon.
I myself used ipStar between July 2004 and September 2005. was after applying for the service a week later to install the satellite antenna and ipStar box. It quickly became apparent that a permanent and reliable data rate seemed to be not just the strength of this service. The surfing was unfortunately subjective not faster than the modem. In contrast, downloads and uploads have an extreme difference was noticeable. Now and then I had short faults of a few minutes. For my online habits, this was not so tragic, I was able to continue my activities at a later date. People on the other hand, the online trading in the stock market, certainly more likely to have problems. After all, it was compared to the usual modem connection already a step forward. I am surprised that the ipStar box was very warm. For a tropical, hot country like Thailand, I could not imagine that this long without any negative consequences. As I feared, a few months later, a total failure of ipStar box. After an exchange ipStar functioned as usual. The Hotline staff was very friendly, but hesitated a long time until they finally make the exchange but did. In August 2005, the ipStar box also identified one more time in your service. The hotline was unfortunately not this time to adjust Moving weiterzuhelfen me. When, after multiple email and phone communication was no improvement in view, I was infuriated after three weeks and quit. In summary, I can say to me that the idea of an internet connection via satellite is convincing, but the implementation, at least in my case, the lack of effort by staff has failed. The fact that my internet connection within three weeks was not repaired, I think an inexcusable maladministration.
wireless broadband connection GPRS There is now also possible to surf the Internet, if no telephone line is available. This mobile phone technology in the GPRS mode is used. GPRS involves the construction of several compounds simultaneously, a relatively high data transfer rate. According to the provider of this technology is almost three times as fast as its a normal modem (up to 153 kbps). In Germany, carried out experiments in practice have shown a value of 60-70 kbps. Of hardware, a GPRS modem or mobile phone with GPRS capability is needed. Most newer phones (from about 5,000 baht) have mastered GPRS. To connect to the laptop or PC IrDA (infrared port), Bluetooth or a data cable. In my personal experience, one should only original data cable of the mobile phone manufacturer to use. I also after several days of experimenting with a data cable of a third party without success. The original cable solved the problem within minutes.
In my occasional travels, I use the internet with my laptop using GPRS on my Nokia phone. My One2call rate did not even have to be upgraded in any way. The Internet minutes will cost me at this rate 1 Baht / minute. Since I already during such trips only sporadically use the Internet to answer my emails, I did without special cheaper tariffs so far. th /
Wireless broadband EDGE
Enhanced GPRS variant with a theoretical link rate of 384 kbps. In practice, values are achieved from 150-200 kbps. EDGE is an effective interim solution to the installation of 3G. Of hardware, a GPRS / EDGE modem or mobile phone with EDGE capability is needed. Many newer phones have mastered EDGE. To connect to the laptop or PC IrDA (infrared port), Bluetooth or a data cable. In my personal experience, one should only use original data cable of the mobile phone manufacturer. Third-party data cables often cause problems, unfortunately.
Currently (December 2009), there are 3G only in a testing phase. Officially there is no nationwide 3G Thailand. Achievable link rate of up to 7.2 Mbit / s below (depending on the mode).
Hutch True
WiFi hot spots
Modern notebooks are usually integrated components in order to use the internet in wireless networking. It can of course also standard desktop PC's easily converted subsequently. Within a few hundred yards of the Sun Wireless WiFi hot spots of contact with the Internet. Most WiFi hot spots are likely to be found in Bangok and in tourist areas (airports, large hotels)
A Stamdortliste of available in Thailand WiFi hot spots following website provides: (English)
A solution similar to the WiFi hot spots, but with a much more range (max. 50 km). In computer magazines, it was reported that the computer chip giant Intel in collaboration with the provinces of Nakhon Ratchasima in True, Chiang Mai and Roi Et planning experimental setups of this technique. Speculation about a real-operation should therefore be premature at present.
cable TV network
was finally recognized by Thai TV cable network providers, that its very good infrastructure for the provision of Internet connections is. Thus, since mid-2007 signed by Sophon Cable Pattaya for such offer. Banglamung Cable has even taken the first Internet connections in operation. A splitter splits the TV cable between the TV and the so-called Lan Adapter Cable. This adapter then allows the PC to communicate with the Internet.
data transfer rate measure
The transmission rate, which appears in the Windows task bar, only shows the speed between your PC and your Internet provider. The performance of the actual network connection is not considered at all here. With one of the following links to the current transmission rate notice:
http://www / / testsuite
is also very important to use a port scanner. Recently, an increasing number of cases of Internet censorship. It is often the case once, the specific ports are blocked or throttled to prevent unsolicited mass emails or upload and download data. online port scanner
A few tests (, but they are not representative csloxinfo 1/2/2005, 11 clock 15 = 38.00 kbps (Modem)
Asia Net 2/8/2005, 14 clock 45 = 41.30 kbps (Modem) IPSTAR 8/2/2005, 14 clock 39 = 173.20 kbps (satellite) csloxinfo 07.17.2005, 18 Clock 44 = 212.10 kbps (DSL Basic 256/128)
Maxnet 06.19.2006, 15 Clock 00 = 168.50 kbps (Maxnet for Life 256/128)
AIS 17:07 .2006, 15 Clock 30 = 37.10 kbps (GPRS)
CAT 11/30/2007, 17 Clock 10 = 676 kbps (HiNet 2Mbit / s) 25/08/2008
CAT, 15 Clock 36 = 940 kbps (HiNet 2Mbit / s) Supernet 08.25.2008, 15 Clock 38 = 40 kbps (cable TV)
problems in e-mail
occur suddenly for some time problems in shipping of enamels on. Instead of sending the e-mail, the request is acknowledged with an error message. This happens only if there e-mail programs are used (Outlook and Co). The dispatch of a browser (IE, Firefox, and Co.) by means of web interface is not affected. In most cases this is simply because the Internet Service Provider (ISP) has blocked port 25 for the customer. would
changing the settings on your e-mail program
If this does not work, then as a last resort the use of a foreign SMTP server, ie the offer of your internet provider.
setting in Outlook Express:
Tools> Accounts> Properties> Server where such entry under the Outgoing mail (SMTP) to the appropriate server:
Unfortunately the latter procedure is also a serious disadvantage. When sending an e-mail from such foreign SMTP Server is a risk that the spam filter program of the receiver is filtered as junk. If such an emergency solution but can not be avoided, it would siinvoll at least his email contacts to inform that they will conform your e-mail address in the spam filter in the positive list.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why Are Dogs Still Connected After Mating
Time heals many wounds
One straight away, it's us :-) Supergut
We write day 450 ie 1 year and 3 months after the transplant and I dare say the disease is a defeat for all. The process has worked.
short, I would like to summarize, our experiences of the last 10 months:
The rehab in April was great. Although our expectations were perhaps set a little too high in the long term shows the effect of a great sochlen rehab.
DC back in early May, Philip has 2 weeks with an infection and 39 degrees geämpft fever, but since June it's him and hence are really good.
In June Philip was sailing with Dad and Grandpa for a week with a yacht. This was an unfulfilled promise from 2007. Since this holiday Tripp it was physically daily uphill.
In the summer we were several weeks in Croatia. There the whole family made the diving license. Philip must now back everything really have to do everything. There are medically exempt from restrictions. is
Since September it goes to the TGM Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has deferred his many hobbies now grown to meet the high requirements of the HTL.
We are proud of our kid's. Marie-Therese was saved by her bone marrow transplant her brother's life. And we could really only watch.
After close to two years, we now have happy this diary.
May the entries to help others as well.
One straight away, it's us :-) Supergut
We write day 450 ie 1 year and 3 months after the transplant and I dare say the disease is a defeat for all. The process has worked.
short, I would like to summarize, our experiences of the last 10 months:
The rehab in April was great. Although our expectations were perhaps set a little too high in the long term shows the effect of a great sochlen rehab.
DC back in early May, Philip has 2 weeks with an infection and 39 degrees geämpft fever, but since June it's him and hence are really good.
In June Philip was sailing with Dad and Grandpa for a week with a yacht. This was an unfulfilled promise from 2007. Since this holiday Tripp it was physically daily uphill.
In the summer we were several weeks in Croatia. There the whole family made the diving license. Philip must now back everything really have to do everything. There are medically exempt from restrictions. is
Since September it goes to the TGM Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has deferred his many hobbies now grown to meet the high requirements of the HTL.
We are proud of our kid's. Marie-Therese was saved by her bone marrow transplant her brother's life. And we could really only watch.
After close to two years, we now have happy this diary.
May the entries to help others as well.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
How To Program Honeywellthermostat Rth2310
four Japanese Sex turn on Cebu
porn turning on Cebu: Japan should not exceed 12 years in prison!
dzBB The radio station, reported that four Japanese, Wednesday evening in Lapu-Lapu City were arrested. Them, along with longer detention face a fine, a listing on the black list and consequently forced deportation.
you were by the police against 5.00 clock caught late afternoon, when they turned on the Supla island, near the bird sanctuary to the public in a porn scene.
porn turning on Cebu: Japan should not exceed 12 years in prison!
dzBB The radio station, reported that four Japanese, Wednesday evening in Lapu-Lapu City were arrested. Them, along with longer detention face a fine, a listing on the black list and consequently forced deportation.
you were by the police against 5.00 clock caught late afternoon, when they turned on the Supla island, near the bird sanctuary to the public in a porn scene.
The three men were first as Yokomiso Masashi, Takimoto Yoichiro, 40 and Izuno Ihirwaki, 24; Identifies and the woman as Miyawaki Yuki, 26.
There were 2-DV video camera tapes and five ensured, and a larger number of condoms. The video tapes already contained several scenes which showed sexual acts of the parties. The Japanese were planning a stay of 10 days to Lapu-Lapu. Was also busy furthermore, for reasons of confidentiality not designated closer Luxury Hotel in Cebu City. 
Geronimo Rosas, Director of Immigration (BI) for the National Visa said, sure he would that the four, like all anderern foreign visitors who are planning in the Philippines to produce pornographic material on the black list! This is a violation of the gel duck Philippine laws!
One of the defendants, Masashi Yokomiso told reporters they had not done anything evil. But would merely "for fun" film their private activity.
The four "pornographers" expected a fine is up to P12, 000 and up to 12 years in prison for "immoral acts, obscene publications and making and distributing pornography."
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