thousands do it ...
Whether "emigrants" and short or long stays or dropouts, all have one thing in common, they live in Asia, but earn their money on the internet . Global Working as it is called today. Many work as a webmaster, web designer, graphic designer, Finanzspezalisten, Stockbroker, 3D computer graphics animators, game developers, or simply as "professional" bloggers. The list could continue for endless.
All but one thing in common. You are dependent on a secure and fast Internet connection.
Unfortunately, Asia is not Europe or North America. This is much different than it used to at home is, you realize pretty quickly. Then there are the first problems which, if they earn their money on the internet very quickly to big problems if not even the collapse of the "livelihood" lead.
It already starts with the reliability of the hardware. Many bring their own laptop to start or computer hardware from home with. Anyone who knows a little bit and a couple of times in Asia was to know that there are no final inspections for goods. Even with the warranty, it is not made for the best.

But - even the most reliable hardware stops in Asia, not by the very high humidity and heat caused forever. There are also frequently low power, insects (such as. Tiny ants crawling like in electronics and cause short circuits, up to certain molds, which preferably infest the organic substrate layers of CD and DVD blanks. This is mainly the fact that a number of blanks are commercially available, their surfaces were not end-sealed. This costly process is to increase the profit margin, saves easily. In 3rd grade goods, the normal case.
All in all, much of what you have to consider. Not to mention the actual Internet connection altogether.
indispensable - if not even be vital if one is dependent on safe working with no data loss are the following:

* security of electricity supply by UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
(also called UPS). These supply in case of power failure for a period of time the computer with power. In addition, this device starts from a possibly emerging surge.
* Additional cooling - in laptops offer at the Cooler Pad. These are equipped with 2 or more fans conditions that ensure the air flow through for additional cooling. For tower or desktop cases, the installation of additional coolers is recommended. Especially in the area of the disks (there own hard drive cooler) and the graphics card cooling is sufficiently important. One should also take care during installation, which the air circulation is not "extinguish" each other.
* Protection from insects - is carried out almost 100%. There are "tropical" and outdoor-ready laptops (eg Panasonic, Dell, Gericom). Who is called something like your own is best prepared and can sit back and relaxed. Otherwise, may help the use of mosquito nets, you can cut the openings and thus abklebt Tower and desktop enclosures.
* protection and backup of data - a first and sensitive issue. We should and must make regular backups of their data. CD and DVD are only suitable for SOA in a longer-term storage. Due to the environmental influences that are destroying the storage layer of the fired blanks by itself or goes out completely sung and unsung.
interesting therefore MOBILE HARD DRIVES, MEMORY CARDS, USB stick or even better online data storage (online storage) are.
Just the physical retrieval of the data is the falling prices and rising Datenkapayitaeten more interesting. Many large companies use SOA this possibility. The advantages are obvious. The data are from the elements, theft or espionage geschützt.Zudem visible across the world and you have to worry about the hardware.
However applies here once again: what is free and is worthless! There are many free Internet services. However, these neither the necessary security in terms of Storage, nor are the data safe from thieves. Some companies also provide short term by the Free Service in order to pay. Then one has paid is so satisfied before a closed door and comes to its own data approached again until you gefordertenm the membership fee (you can also call ransom).
Fortunately, there are more and more to offer low cost services to large online data storage. Highly recommended here, the German-Swedish company is They offer 750 GB of storage that can be both websites but also fully or partially used as an online store. There is a special software, the online storage as another drive on your home computer use makes. A special tap-proof encryption is also offered. The price is currently € 7.38 per month including a domain of free choice, by payment of 12 months, we have 2 months free extension.
All major credit cards, and online services such as Paypal and Moneybookers accepted. Installation is a matter of minutes to hours.

* Security against online espionage, password theft and account abuse - one of the biggest problems in SOA. Basically, NO Internet Cafe is safe. Almost all computers are infected with viruses or password loggers. Or from the operators of the shops knowingly equipped and bestow them a lucrative Additional business. There are platforms on the Internet where you can offer the information received in exchange for cash and sell easily.
Also WiFi networks or the "own" the Internet connection provider is overheard. By authorities, but also by employees of the provider, the telecom company or the Net-kiddies (young people whose hobby is nonsense on the internet to drive).
remedy here a VPN connection. Virtual Private Network tunnel is a type of data is produced on the Internet between two computers. Here, a special software, all data is encrypted multiple times and puts them together at the other end. Such a connection is not intercepted, because the "spy" only small can intercept unrelated data packets which are illegible.
Most cases of bank card fraud in SOA and spy on the data began to be online. The owner himself is the greatest security risk awareness!

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