The Elsbeere ( Sorbus torminalis ) is a deciduous tree art from the kind of flour berries (Sorbus ). It belongs to the family the rose family (Rosaceae).
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name [ Edit ]
The service tree has over the centuries given many names, such as the name Ruhr pear , as the fruits of known remedy for dysentery were. She is also known under the name of Atlas Tree, Arisbeere, Arles berry Elzbeere, Alzbeere, Swiss pear tree sparrow and Wilder.
Description [edit ]
The service tree is a deciduous, 15 to 25 m, in the woods sometimes over 30 m tall tree. The bark or bark of older trees is often ash-gray and kleinschuppig. It is easy to confuse the bark of the service tree with oak bark .
The leaves are about 2 to 7 cm long, the broad outline is to ovate. The edge is sharp and slightly lobed serrate, the number of lobes is three to five. The flowers are white and are upright, loose Doldenrispen. The autumn color is golden yellow to slightly reddish. The fruit is obovate to round, the first olive-green, later brown with light points and about 1.5 cm. The wild service tree is old to a hundred years, but can be in rare cases even older.
The service tree usually grows in warmer locations, south facing slopes and ridges . It is called the half-light tree in her youth and tolerates shade quite well. The service tree is like the Speierling the mid-to southern Flore space. The northernmost area of distribution in Europe are found in Denmark , the main site is located in central and southern Europe. Other reserves are in Asia and occasionally found in North Africa. In Germany one finds
Elsbeerbestände in Baden-Württemberg , Rhineland-Palatinate, Lower Saxony , in the southeastern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , in the southwestern and southeastern North Rhine-Westphalia, Hessen , Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt , Saxony and Thuringia . However, the Forest Service tree dominates in any society, it occurs singly or in groups. The highest known Elsbeere the world with 35 meters under the United Lengden in South Lower Saxony [1] .
specimen trees outside the forest are in Germany - in contrast to Austria - very rare. There are only about a dozen such "field-wild service trees known, including the one at white churches in Oberbayern and the wild service tree on the outskirts of Ripsdorf at Blankenheim in Eifel , as are within the protected group of trees in Marienrode . In Eschershausen there is a mountain ash-Allee . In Austria, there are some very tall trees near fire Laaben and Neulengbach in the Vienna Woods and in Stössing .
The Swedish naturalist Carl von Linné listed the species under applicable as Basionym taxon Crataegus torminalis in his 1753 published work Species Plantarum . [2] The German botanist Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von Crantz arranged the way, but in 1763 under the currently valid taxon Sorbus torminalis to a different genus. [3]
Another synonym for the species is Pyrus torminalis (L.) Ehrh. . [4]
The wood of the service tree is one of the toughest European woods. It is diffuse, the core is not normally sold in color. It works great and throws himself on drying. Due to its similarity to the pear is sold together with other service tree Sorbus species ( Speierling , Whitebeam, Rowan ) under the trade name Swiss pear.
particularly in Alsace is made from the fruit of the wild service tree under the French name Alisiers a taste similar to the sloe gin drink.
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