Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Aisan Molestedon Train

new pics / new pictures

washing machine repair shop
washing machine repair workshop

Iran: street life

motorcycle transport. over 40 degrees celsius left their traces.
more than 40 degrees!

iran: our ladies ;o)

iran: beautiful people.

iran: karawanserei

tuerkei: kappadokien.

hoehlenwohnungen incredible.
amazing cave flats.

Iran: Tabriz:
little accident of a participant. the people driving here so chaotic that he took a small car on the horns. 4h discussion, a brawl and a blue light ride later cost the 50 dollar fun friends and see them again.

little accident of one participant. small car meets truck at a roundabout. people just can not drive here. 50 usd makes true friends: o)

overland tours keeps o) the fattest in the cart places: Ford Taunus V6 of 1974.

overland tours entertains: o) the fanciest car in town: Ford Taunus V6 from 1974

felix mature 'patched heard.
felix 'tire needs to be repared.

eat for 6 people = 10 €.
food for 6 people for less than 10 €!

on the road: christian and ruediger

delicious cakes in a bakery. extremely cheap!
yummie sweeties at aa bakery store. extremely cheap.

turkey: ararat
looking for. here is to be stranded Noah 'ark at over 5000m.
view to the Ararat. noahs' arc touched down here earlier.


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