Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Paint Clothes On A Clothesline

New Media: Film and Radio

New Media - Film and Radio

end of the development of media:

- medieval

o Only oral Tradition of all information and stories

o problem: changes in the text influenced their truth, illiteracy

- modern

o preferably> sole discussion of literature

- - hearing audience to shift from reading public o

withdrawal from the Community Modern

o Renewed Cultural Change:


o 1920 : first-time use of the radio allows

o Certain conditions from returning old -> reader will increasingly return to the listeners to have to master without special culture techniques (Read)

o people get a comprehensive package comes (entertainment, information, opinion and rating)

o radio is very popular -> rapid spread

o problem: use the political manipulation of large segments of the population -> 1945: legal measures against misuse


o 1895: First Films in Berlin and Paris

o film drama exceeds Theater dramaturgy (more options)

o freedoms Films such as "cut" or "contrast" are used intensively -> new realities could be constructed

o task of the new medium: artistic statements show

o through new forms of drama were actor idols

o emergence of new literary forms (eg documentation, script, culture, film)

o development of "individuals culture" to "mass culture"

o problem: use also use this medium for mass propaganda - Second> world war (examples: Goebbels speech in Berlin Sports Palace, propaganda films for the German Hitler Youth)

o development of special films for certain groups, especially in France

"review" by Robert Walser : Radio (book p. 140 f.)

synopsis and analysis

The narrator is surprised the variety of information that is disclosed on the radio (sports scores, poems, lines 9 and 12). In addition, he is fascinated by the impersonal relationship between speaker and listener. The narrator criticizes the one hand, the loss of interpersonal contact in the form of direct talks, but on the other hand, attracted by the ability to span large distances ("as was played in England Cello", line 20 f.).

rapid swings from the narrator to the old script and speaks through a medium where employment offered. This is indirectly indicated that it is of great importance to a broad general education may possess, you gain by using such outdated media. "Education, says the ad is, the main condition." (Lines 49 f.)

(JI / JS)


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