Monday, February 21, 2011

Kerri Leigh Tucker That Metal Show

literature in the Weimar Republic: Roman Literature in the GDR

literature in the Weimar Republic (1919-33): The Roman

first emergence of the novel

· entertaining Originally genus

-> invented actions served to entertain

· trivial literature, often with adventure, Showers effects or courtly descriptions to the literary genre that the confrontation of the "I" presents to the world

-> recording of contemporary philosophical, scientific and educational ideas

-> different narrative techniques

· adventure, development, education and time novels as a literary genre

· through various actions, changing perspectives and realistic Representations to the reflection of the world (= experiential reality) are shown

· 19th Century: France, England, Russia, Scandinavia use new areas of life in the novel -> Tales from middle class, industrial towns of impoverished farmers, fishermen and intellectuals become the content novelistic forms

· Germany: bourgeois development and Bildungsroman

-> shows development of the educated people through contact with art and literature, Languages, music and theater, economics and technology

· all these educated people missing, even though they embody the ideal of the bourgeoisie, the encounter with the Political and the goal to design a community

· turn of the century: Threats to political order

-> with 1 World War I destruction of the Empire

· effect on novel after 1918 sustained

- traditional> Middle class no longer exists as a single group

-> different social strata (-> party-building, links-/rechtsorientiert)

-> Readers expect in the novel is a reflection of their world, their thoughts and experiences

· Contemporary Roman : 20's, 30's (Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Alfred Doblin, Robert Musil)

-> no more uniformly structured world

-> instead of world unity occurs at best, the narrator

-> this person also falls under the influence of psychoanalysis, language crisis and political interest education

-> novel as a mirror of a ruined world (I-decay, expressionism)

-> novel as a mirror of modernity

Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain (1924) as an example of a Bildungsroman

2.1 content

· The Hamburg Hans Castorp visits his tubercular cousin in the sanatorium Berghof in Davos (health resort in Switzerland)

· first surprised about the "up here" ruling of life, he reluctantly ordered a health establishments in the

-> will not change, do not stay long (see p.118 / Z.141ff password 13.)

· sanatorium on profit from, patient pulls out civil behavior, be placed in a state of timelessness and negligence

-> "Man does here his words" predicts the cousin

· cousin Magic Mountain describes as a mystical, dreamy world

-> opposite of the prevailing order and discipline in the "Flat Land"

· Castorp will initially remain only three weeks in Davos, the flu leads to an extension of his stay

-> Increasing disinterest in the world in plain

· Lodovico Settembrini, Italians, Enlightenment optimist, republican and humanist, urges him to leave

· Castorp falls but the Russian Clavdia Chauchat

-> stays due to their longer in the sanatorium (later love meeting only indicated)

· seven months of seven years he stayed in the sanatorium are, at this time elapsed

· occurrence of the Jesuit and Communist Leo naphtha

-> arguments with Settembrini

-> Both feel as mentors by Hans Castorp -> compete for his favor, do influence him

· Clavdia departed Settembrini moves to a mountain village, also the cousin leaves the sanatorium, but returns to die back

· Castorp bored, may be depressed, hear escalate music (such as Schubert's Lindenbaum)

· Great irritability ", disputes between naphtha and Settembrini

-> gun duel between naphtha and Settembrini - > naphtha kills himself, firing into the air Settembrini

· war as a "thunderclap," the morbid goings-ended

-> residents leave the Berghof, Castorp moves with comrades in war

The beginning of the novel as well as a brief summary of the contents can be found in the "KennWort13" (p. 116-119).

2.2 Features of the Bildungsroman

· Bildungsroman continues with ratio of its main character to several world regions apart

-> Magic Mountain: "Flat Land" and sanatorium "up here" -> different ways of life

· influencing a young, naive people with his environment

-> true of Hans Castorp who not only wanted to stay a long time and his stay of seven years expanding because of the new life which prevails in the sanatorium and similar because Clavdia

· Bildungsroman Biography, concept of education plays an important role

-> section "snow": Hans breaks for skiing, has a dream, by written Mann his thoughts and his reflections on "death-life" "Health-Health" and "mind-nature," writes down to the reader

-> Martin Walser (German writer) says: "The novel tells the longer it takes, the less of Castorp and the more of Thomas Mann "

· typical Bildungsroman also

· Castorp leaves his parents house and meets the sanatorium art, politics and love (various areas )

· learns differently about ideologies -> Conversations of Settembrini (Republican) and naphtha (Communist)

· but unlike in the classical Bildungsroman out the "education" on the Magic Mountain is not to be, Hans Castorp in a capable and confident member of civil society change, but his development process leads to nothing

à soldier in the first WK, therefore no individual more, readers does not know what happened to him

· Magic Mountain controversial than classic novel

3.2 Historical context

· novel "The Magic Mountain "created 1913-1924

· 1912 Thomas's wife spent several months in a sanatorium in Davos

· interruption of the letter by 1 WK, playing in the Magic Mountain at the end even some role

· Thomas Mann processed, different views of the people in the Weimar Republic

-> Settembrini and naphtha -> Party building in the Weimar Republic

· but it also reflects his own thoughts -> turns democracy and the Weimar Republic to

- expressed> his doubts about the extreme positions and Settembrini Naphta

-> but admits that he Settembrini stand closer than naphtha


Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha-An Indian Tale


  • is the novel Siddhartha by young Brahmans Siddhartha and his friend Govinda, they live about 500 BC. move to India
  • As ascetics through the city awakes, in Siddhartha, the desire to give up the riches of his family and join them

-> From then on Siddharhta sees only contempt in a beautiful and rich people and young women

  • three years Siddhartha and Govinda catch up with the ascetics of the country and learn from them
  • After the two they leave, they encounter Gautama, the Buddha

-> You recognize him immediately to his rest and his appearance

  • Gowinda is followed by Gautama and surprised that it does not Siddhartha

-> They believed that he means what he sought not through asceticism, finds and wants his own way

  • He meets the beautiful Kamala, which will take him only if he has money and nice clothes has - brings> Siddhartha to success in business and too much money
  • But he is losing patience and that life begins at him desolate

-> With 40 years he spent in disappointment from this life and pulls away

  • on the banks of a river he thought it to kill himself

-> He omits, however, and falls asleep

  • Later he tells a ferryman, that he knew as a child that money and wealth are not good

-> Siddhartha remains with the ferryman and his assistant

  • As Gautama die, is a pilgrimage many of his followers to him

-> So also is Kamala and her son, whose father, Siddhartha

  • But Kamala is bitten by a snake and dies in Siddhartha, whom she met on the river
  • The son turns out, however, spoiled and unruly

-> Siddhartha does not understand this because he himself is very different

- Points> The ferryman shall point out that the son has not voluntarily waived the richness

  • One day the son steals the money of the two men and fled

-> Siddhartha runs after him, but the boatman gets him back

  • Slowly Siddhartha attained the knowledge of what is wisdom, and that he has sought for so long

-> It was the willingness of the soul to think the idea of unity

  • The is the time for the ferryman to take to the woods alone
  • Siddhartha remains alone on the river
  • Govinda finds out and goes to Siddhartha

-> desperately asks he had referred to Council

  • Govinda comes from sheer quest for the wisdom not to peace
  • Siddhartha tells him what he means

-> "knowledge could tell you, but not wisdom. You can find it, live, supported by her be "

Historical context:

  • Herman Hesse, in the years around 1921 with the study of China and India
  • In Siddhartha, he deals with the spirit of the East apart
  • He thus a prosaic representation from their own perspective
  • Many names created in his novel are taken from the Indian culture
  • He also goes to religious ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism

-> eg, Siddhartha Buddha Siddhartha Gautama

developing novel

  • Refers to a type of novel, is presented in which the intellectual and emotional development of the main character in their dispute with itself and with the environment

-> portrays Siddhartha is on the search for his inner peace and wisdom

  • the maturation of the main character of his experiences has to process and it includes in its personality

-> Siddhartha runs through as the country and recognizes the time, which for him is wisdom

  • From the perspective of the reader does not need a higher qualification or training at the end of the development of the main character
  • often treat development novels negative experiences, the development of personality influence

-> Siddhartha is his trip is a different person

  • By the hero "is in itself", he gained the knowledge that he pursues unattainable goals and committed serious error has

-> Siddhartha's desire for wisdom and peace seems to him to be out of reach

-> His return to the wealth he sees in retrospect, with disgust

  • The admission makes it possible to turn back and another direction to follow

-> Siddhartha realizes that wealth does not matter what is true life and leave the city again to the tranquility and simplicity to give



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