Monday, October 20, 2008

Dark And Stormy Captain Morgans

:-)) Day 48, Monday 20.Oct.2008

It's done!

Philip was today officially released by the station 1A. :-)
rightly so, we still can not quite grasp.
allowed after exactly 9 weeks today Philipp sleep for the first time back at home.

After on Tuesday because of fever was no exit, and Philip was really frustrated, he has been granted on Wednesday despite fever output. He is just at home but better, and he tries to drink more at home than in hospital. It has effects on positive's mind and promotes healing when you are at home - quite unconsciously.
has just arrived at home but he really just asleep, until it again in the evening to the hospital had. On Thursday he went
but zune shirt better. He was in a good and has been drinking enough. We did but not much hope to be released, because we have now been disappointed several times.
It was uphill but now every day. The blood values entire constitution, in short, felt better.
But because of the fever of Tuesday now an antibiotic was administered, the next possible Entlassungetermin the Monday discussion.

wanted Sunday night Phil absolutely not the hospital. It cost us a lot of persuasion.

On Monday morning, then the joyful message of dismissal. All on-duty nurses and physicians have bye. It was exciting to put anything and nothing to forget. It collects a lot of 2.5 within months.

Philip was so excited that he has begun to break in the hospital.
Also on the way home, he has passed several times. The we have known now for no longer than a week.
Although he is now very weak and tired, the circuit may today not as true in the evening, the temperature rises just below the temperature limit.
But we are all overjoyed.

Philip enjoys after 9 weeks, the first night at home. He can hardly sleep with excitement, although he is very tired and dizzy. On the way from the living room to the toilet it is sometimes black before my eyes. He has short rest because of over-exertion. Does not now, we live in a huge loft, it's only a 90m ² apartment, Phil brings to his physical limits.

is now training and practice it, fresh air and slow movement increases. And do not forget to drink at least 2.5 liters. Today he managed to barely half.

On Wednesday there is a check-up in SZT-ambulance. First 2 more times a week, but hopefully only 1x per week, a short visit to the hospital. We can not wait.


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