:-))))))) ) Day 31: Friday, 03/10/2008
Hurraaaaa, it goes home
Phil gets out tomorrow and on Sunday.
Things change very quickly here in Spiatal, and today is drann positve side. We are pleased and thrilled.
Saturday and Sunday mornings at 20:00 and only home only to sleep clock back to the hospital.
The cold is getting better, the WBC increased again and now (18:00 clock), he gets just one Erykonzentrat that he is fit for tomorrow's output.
We, parents have now got a basic education, as we have what we observe at home. Philip already knows the basic hygiene rules and measures best.
people, it's a big step. We're a little excited. But the team at St. Anna gives us the necessary security. Philip, while still Immunsupremiert but as far as stable, and it should be a starting to enjoy. So stay cool, and make no major Sogen.
may now be his immune system get used to the family, without masks, we will no longer recognize.
goes step by step Philipp back towards "normal life". :-))))
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