Monday, March 7, 2011

Mentholatum Lip Pure Lipbalm



What are bioplastics?
As bioplastic bioplastics or (English bioplastics ) Plastics are known to be produced based on renewable resources and / or compostable are. A clear definition of bioplastics is not so.

serve as starting materials for bioplastics mainly starch and cellulose from plants. These are processed to biopolymers, to be finally extruded as bioplastics or deep drawn. Possible starting plants are starchy crops such as corn or sugar beet and wood from which cellulose can be obtained.

bioplastics are now mostly in the form of packaging products application - such as bio-film for fruit and vegetable packaging, shopping bags, brochure, film or compostable garbage bags .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nero-cystic Fibro Myaliga

trees of the year

years Name (German) name (scientific) Figure
1989 common oak Quercus robur L. Quercus Robur 031.jpg
1990 beech Fagus sylvatica L. Fagus sylvatica Lammas shoot 001.jpg
1991 Summer Linde Tilia platyphyllos Scop. Tilia platyphyllos 001.jpg
1992 Berg Simmer Ulmus glabra Huds . Camperdown Elm Prospect Park Brooklyn.jpg
1993 Speierling Sorbus domestica L. Sorbus domestica FruitsLeaves BotGardBln0906a.JPG
1994 Europäische EIBE Taxus baccata L. Lumbar plant taxus arillus.jpg
1995 Spitzahorn Acer platanoides L. Acer platanoides 001.jpg
1996 Hainbuche Carpinus betulus L. Hainbuche.jpg
1997 Eberesche Sorbus aucuparia L. Vogelbeeren.jpg
1998 Wild-BIRN pyraster Pyrus L. Pyrus pyraster.jpg
1999 Silber-Weide Salix alba L. Salix alba leaves.jpg
2000 Sand-Birke Betula pendula Roth Brzoza zwisla.jpg
2001 Esche Fraxinus excelsior L. Fraxinus excelsior Blatt.jpg
2002 Gemeiner Wacholder Juniperus communis L. Cade2.jpg
2003 Schwarz-Erle Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gärtn. Alnus-glutinosa-leaves.JPG
2004 Weiß-Tanne Abies alba Mill. Abies Orjen foliage.jpg
2005 Gewöhnliche
Aesculus hippocastanum L. Aesculus hippocastanum 21.jpg
2006 Schwarzpappel Populus nigra L. Populus-nigra-08-VII-2007-082.jpg
2007 Wald-Kiefer Pinus sylvestris L. Pinus sylvestris flos pollen bialowieza forest beentree.jpg
2008 Echte Walnuss Juglans regia L. Reife Walnuss3.jpg
2009 Berg-Ahorn Acer pseudoplatanus L. Acer-pseudoplatanus.JPG
2010 Vogel-Kirsche Prunus avium L. Wild Cherry Flowers.JPG
2011 Elsbeere Sorbus L. torminalis Sorbus torminalis Weinsberg 20070929 5.jpg

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bursitis In Hip Wont Go Away

Exile Literature

(KF / LL / NP)

How To Paint Clothes On A Clothesline

New Media: Film and Radio

New Media - Film and Radio

end of the development of media:

- medieval

o Only oral Tradition of all information and stories

o problem: changes in the text influenced their truth, illiteracy

- modern

o preferably> sole discussion of literature

- - hearing audience to shift from reading public o

withdrawal from the Community Modern

o Renewed Cultural Change:


o 1920 : first-time use of the radio allows

o Certain conditions from returning old -> reader will increasingly return to the listeners to have to master without special culture techniques (Read)

o people get a comprehensive package comes (entertainment, information, opinion and rating)

o radio is very popular -> rapid spread

o problem: use the political manipulation of large segments of the population -> 1945: legal measures against misuse


o 1895: First Films in Berlin and Paris

o film drama exceeds Theater dramaturgy (more options)

o freedoms Films such as "cut" or "contrast" are used intensively -> new realities could be constructed

o task of the new medium: artistic statements show

o through new forms of drama were actor idols

o emergence of new literary forms (eg documentation, script, culture, film)

o development of "individuals culture" to "mass culture"

o problem: use also use this medium for mass propaganda - Second> world war (examples: Goebbels speech in Berlin Sports Palace, propaganda films for the German Hitler Youth)

o development of special films for certain groups, especially in France

"review" by Robert Walser : Radio (book p. 140 f.)

synopsis and analysis

The narrator is surprised the variety of information that is disclosed on the radio (sports scores, poems, lines 9 and 12). In addition, he is fascinated by the impersonal relationship between speaker and listener. The narrator criticizes the one hand, the loss of interpersonal contact in the form of direct talks, but on the other hand, attracted by the ability to span large distances ("as was played in England Cello", line 20 f.).

rapid swings from the narrator to the old script and speaks through a medium where employment offered. This is indirectly indicated that it is of great importance to a broad general education may possess, you gain by using such outdated media. "Education, says the ad is, the main condition." (Lines 49 f.)

(JI / JS)

Kerri Leigh Tucker That Metal Show

literature in the Weimar Republic: Roman Literature in the GDR

literature in the Weimar Republic (1919-33): The Roman

first emergence of the novel

· entertaining Originally genus

-> invented actions served to entertain

· trivial literature, often with adventure, Showers effects or courtly descriptions to the literary genre that the confrontation of the "I" presents to the world

-> recording of contemporary philosophical, scientific and educational ideas

-> different narrative techniques

· adventure, development, education and time novels as a literary genre

· through various actions, changing perspectives and realistic Representations to the reflection of the world (= experiential reality) are shown

· 19th Century: France, England, Russia, Scandinavia use new areas of life in the novel -> Tales from middle class, industrial towns of impoverished farmers, fishermen and intellectuals become the content novelistic forms

· Germany: bourgeois development and Bildungsroman

-> shows development of the educated people through contact with art and literature, Languages, music and theater, economics and technology

· all these educated people missing, even though they embody the ideal of the bourgeoisie, the encounter with the Political and the goal to design a community

· turn of the century: Threats to political order

-> with 1 World War I destruction of the Empire

· effect on novel after 1918 sustained

- traditional> Middle class no longer exists as a single group

-> different social strata (-> party-building, links-/rechtsorientiert)

-> Readers expect in the novel is a reflection of their world, their thoughts and experiences

· Contemporary Roman : 20's, 30's (Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Alfred Doblin, Robert Musil)

-> no more uniformly structured world

-> instead of world unity occurs at best, the narrator

-> this person also falls under the influence of psychoanalysis, language crisis and political interest education

-> novel as a mirror of a ruined world (I-decay, expressionism)

-> novel as a mirror of modernity

Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain (1924) as an example of a Bildungsroman

2.1 content

· The Hamburg Hans Castorp visits his tubercular cousin in the sanatorium Berghof in Davos (health resort in Switzerland)

· first surprised about the "up here" ruling of life, he reluctantly ordered a health establishments in the

-> will not change, do not stay long (see p.118 / Z.141ff password 13.)

· sanatorium on profit from, patient pulls out civil behavior, be placed in a state of timelessness and negligence

-> "Man does here his words" predicts the cousin

· cousin Magic Mountain describes as a mystical, dreamy world

-> opposite of the prevailing order and discipline in the "Flat Land"

· Castorp will initially remain only three weeks in Davos, the flu leads to an extension of his stay

-> Increasing disinterest in the world in plain

· Lodovico Settembrini, Italians, Enlightenment optimist, republican and humanist, urges him to leave

· Castorp falls but the Russian Clavdia Chauchat

-> stays due to their longer in the sanatorium (later love meeting only indicated)

· seven months of seven years he stayed in the sanatorium are, at this time elapsed

· occurrence of the Jesuit and Communist Leo naphtha

-> arguments with Settembrini

-> Both feel as mentors by Hans Castorp -> compete for his favor, do influence him

· Clavdia departed Settembrini moves to a mountain village, also the cousin leaves the sanatorium, but returns to die back

· Castorp bored, may be depressed, hear escalate music (such as Schubert's Lindenbaum)

· Great irritability ", disputes between naphtha and Settembrini

-> gun duel between naphtha and Settembrini - > naphtha kills himself, firing into the air Settembrini

· war as a "thunderclap," the morbid goings-ended

-> residents leave the Berghof, Castorp moves with comrades in war

The beginning of the novel as well as a brief summary of the contents can be found in the "KennWort13" (p. 116-119).

2.2 Features of the Bildungsroman

· Bildungsroman continues with ratio of its main character to several world regions apart

-> Magic Mountain: "Flat Land" and sanatorium "up here" -> different ways of life

· influencing a young, naive people with his environment

-> true of Hans Castorp who not only wanted to stay a long time and his stay of seven years expanding because of the new life which prevails in the sanatorium and similar because Clavdia

· Bildungsroman Biography, concept of education plays an important role

-> section "snow": Hans breaks for skiing, has a dream, by written Mann his thoughts and his reflections on "death-life" "Health-Health" and "mind-nature," writes down to the reader

-> Martin Walser (German writer) says: "The novel tells the longer it takes, the less of Castorp and the more of Thomas Mann "

· typical Bildungsroman also

· Castorp leaves his parents house and meets the sanatorium art, politics and love (various areas )

· learns differently about ideologies -> Conversations of Settembrini (Republican) and naphtha (Communist)

· but unlike in the classical Bildungsroman out the "education" on the Magic Mountain is not to be, Hans Castorp in a capable and confident member of civil society change, but his development process leads to nothing

à soldier in the first WK, therefore no individual more, readers does not know what happened to him

· Magic Mountain controversial than classic novel

3.2 Historical context

· novel "The Magic Mountain "created 1913-1924

· 1912 Thomas's wife spent several months in a sanatorium in Davos

· interruption of the letter by 1 WK, playing in the Magic Mountain at the end even some role

· Thomas Mann processed, different views of the people in the Weimar Republic

-> Settembrini and naphtha -> Party building in the Weimar Republic

· but it also reflects his own thoughts -> turns democracy and the Weimar Republic to

- expressed> his doubts about the extreme positions and Settembrini Naphta

-> but admits that he Settembrini stand closer than naphtha


Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha-An Indian Tale


  • is the novel Siddhartha by young Brahmans Siddhartha and his friend Govinda, they live about 500 BC. move to India
  • As ascetics through the city awakes, in Siddhartha, the desire to give up the riches of his family and join them

-> From then on Siddharhta sees only contempt in a beautiful and rich people and young women

  • three years Siddhartha and Govinda catch up with the ascetics of the country and learn from them
  • After the two they leave, they encounter Gautama, the Buddha

-> You recognize him immediately to his rest and his appearance

  • Gowinda is followed by Gautama and surprised that it does not Siddhartha

-> They believed that he means what he sought not through asceticism, finds and wants his own way

  • He meets the beautiful Kamala, which will take him only if he has money and nice clothes has - brings> Siddhartha to success in business and too much money
  • But he is losing patience and that life begins at him desolate

-> With 40 years he spent in disappointment from this life and pulls away

  • on the banks of a river he thought it to kill himself

-> He omits, however, and falls asleep

  • Later he tells a ferryman, that he knew as a child that money and wealth are not good

-> Siddhartha remains with the ferryman and his assistant

  • As Gautama die, is a pilgrimage many of his followers to him

-> So also is Kamala and her son, whose father, Siddhartha

  • But Kamala is bitten by a snake and dies in Siddhartha, whom she met on the river
  • The son turns out, however, spoiled and unruly

-> Siddhartha does not understand this because he himself is very different

- Points> The ferryman shall point out that the son has not voluntarily waived the richness

  • One day the son steals the money of the two men and fled

-> Siddhartha runs after him, but the boatman gets him back

  • Slowly Siddhartha attained the knowledge of what is wisdom, and that he has sought for so long

-> It was the willingness of the soul to think the idea of unity

  • The is the time for the ferryman to take to the woods alone
  • Siddhartha remains alone on the river
  • Govinda finds out and goes to Siddhartha

-> desperately asks he had referred to Council

  • Govinda comes from sheer quest for the wisdom not to peace
  • Siddhartha tells him what he means

-> "knowledge could tell you, but not wisdom. You can find it, live, supported by her be "

Historical context:

  • Herman Hesse, in the years around 1921 with the study of China and India
  • In Siddhartha, he deals with the spirit of the East apart
  • He thus a prosaic representation from their own perspective
  • Many names created in his novel are taken from the Indian culture
  • He also goes to religious ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism

-> eg, Siddhartha Buddha Siddhartha Gautama

developing novel

  • Refers to a type of novel, is presented in which the intellectual and emotional development of the main character in their dispute with itself and with the environment

-> portrays Siddhartha is on the search for his inner peace and wisdom

  • the maturation of the main character of his experiences has to process and it includes in its personality

-> Siddhartha runs through as the country and recognizes the time, which for him is wisdom

  • From the perspective of the reader does not need a higher qualification or training at the end of the development of the main character
  • often treat development novels negative experiences, the development of personality influence

-> Siddhartha is his trip is a different person

  • By the hero "is in itself", he gained the knowledge that he pursues unattainable goals and committed serious error has

-> Siddhartha's desire for wisdom and peace seems to him to be out of reach

-> His return to the wealth he sees in retrospect, with disgust

  • The admission makes it possible to turn back and another direction to follow

-> Siddhartha realizes that wealth does not matter what is true life and leave the city again to the tranquility and simplicity to give


Swelling Between The Thumb And Pointer Finger

Hardiness Zone 7b USDA climate zones

USDA climate zones

As a concrete measure of the hardiness Germany, ranging from 5b (cool, Alps) to 8a (warm, Rhine Graben)
As USDA climate zones , precise USDA Plant Hardiness Zones ("Hardiness Zones"), refers to a climate classification of areas based on the average coldest annual temperature, has the U.S. Department of Agriculture published U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) . The zones range from 1 (-50 ° F and under) to 11 (40 ° F and above), each in increments of 10 ° F.
you are an international standard for assessing the hardiness of plants. Furthermore, there's a list of so-called indicator plants , which is divided by zones in which these plants can barely survive.
the plains of Germany, Austria and Switzerland is located in zones 6-7, the Alpine region in zones 5-6, where the Alps are the zones assigned to 4-5. Isolated areas with mild climates such as the Rheinland , coastal regions of Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein due to the Gulf Stream as Bremen and Hamburg , or areas around the Geneva and Lake to the zone 7 from the island of Helgoland and Mainau Zone 8b are assigned.

[edit ] zone classification

USDA zones
Zone of to
a under -45.6 ° C
2a -45.5 ° C -42.8 ° C
2b -42.7 ° C -40.0 ° C
3a -39.9 ° C -37.3 ° C
3b -37.2 ° C -34.5 ° C
4a −34,4 °C −31,7 °C
4b −31,6 °C −28,9 °C
5a −28,8 °C −26,2 °C
5b −26,1 °C −23,4 °C
6a −23,3 °C −20,5 °C
6b −20,4 °C −17,8 °C
7a −17,7 °C −15,0 °C
7b −14,9 °C −12,3 °C
8a −12,2 °C −9,5 °C
8b −9,4 °C −6,7 °C
9a −6,6 °C −3,9 °C
9b −3,8 °C -1.2 ° C
10a -1.1 ° C +1.6 ° C
10b +1,7 ° C +4.4 ° C
11 +4.5 ° C and above

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Is Mysore Malige

The literature in the GDR include all plants that have emerged since 1945 in the Soviet occupation zone and in the GDR

first Conditions of literature in the GDR
- In July 1945, under the leadership of the writer Johannes R. Becher, the Cultural Association for democratic renewal of Germany founded. The democratic and anti-fascist character of the "Cultural Association" is emphasized by authors with antisozialistischem background, such as Gerhard Hauptmann and Thomas Mann.
- The creation of the FRG and GDR, shares the cultural life in 1949 in two.
- 1950, the doctrine of Socialist Realism: The principles of life authenticity, popularity, social optimism and partiality must be followed by the authors.
- 1953 fights break publicly against the socialist realism ("Only boots can be made to measure.")
- 1954 is founded the Leipzig Institute of Literature, due to the demand that artists will go into production in order to make the socialist daily artistic.
- 1956 call for writers the freedom of art and spirit.
- Under the slogan "Pick up your pen pal," a conference held in 1959 in Bitterfeld - 5 years later the project is considered
failed - An internal stabilization of the communist state will take place because of the Wall 1961st
- 1968 is accused because of her novel "The Quest for Christa T.", a pessimistic attitude
- Erich Honecker (new first secretary of the Central Committee of the SED), "If we start from the fixed position of socialism, it is my view on the field of art and literature no taboos "
-. In 1975, the Final Act of the Helsinki conference is signed - 125 000 citizens are leaving the applications for the FRG
- authors such as Christa Wolf, Sarah Kirsch, Stefan Heym protest against the expatriation of Wolf Biermann
- 1977 follows the Stasi all writers who refuse to protest against Biermann's expatriation back -> Reiner Kunze, Sarah Kirsch, Jurek Becker, Jurgen Fuchs and Hans Joachim Harmful to leave the GDR
- 1979 - Sanctions against publications of several novels in the West
- 1980 follows the Stasi still all critical writer, before they leave the GDR
- 1983: Foundation of independent journal Mikado
- 1987 Ford Gunter de Bruyn and Christoph Hein publicly for the abolition of censorship
- 1988: Demonstrations in memory of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht -> arrest of 120 members of peace and human rights groups
- 1989 - 40 - anniversary of the GDR - the opening of borders on 9 November - Lutz Rathenow writes about the end of the communist state: "Stay the GDR is the demand, what's left of it. And it will often be talking to her. Even if her name is not at all. "

Among the most important writer in the GDR include Bernitzke Reinhard, Jürgen Fuchs, Reiner Kunze, Christoph Hein and Christa Wolf, Volker Braun, and Morgan Irmtraud.

The texts from the time of the GDR are not the same today as then. The readers have used the social relations under socialism carried automatically in the back of the head, whereas now it is this way of thinking of the past. With the disappearance of the GDR and its structures disappear also a kind of reality of the texts, the dimension of their existence. Today, therefore, the texts are seen and interpreted differently than before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

second Christa Wolf - The Quest for Christa T. (detail in Kennwort13, p. 219F)

Christa T. is dying of leukemia, but it suffers from the GDR. "(Marcel Reich-Ranicki)

dies at the age of 35, a friend of the author Christa T. 1963 leukemia. After her death, Christa Wolf tries to understand the basis of records left behind. Christa T. was broken in the conflict between their personal expectations and those of society. "She shrugged, afraid to take even impose a name, the brand with which they herd in which the stable has to go." In the introduction
insured Christa Wolf, Christa T. was a literary figure, but the many autobiographical features are still evident.

As in the novels of Max Frisch, invited the reader that happen to reconstruct them from different perspectives. On the Writers' Congress in 1969 erupted into a fight over Christa Wolf's Roma, who helped make writers painted a critical picture of reality and oriented to the experimental forms of Western literature. The "new subjectivity" of the 70's now spread not only in the West but also among the writers of the GDR.

This article comes a little late, unfortunately, because we had to struggle with technical problems.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Condolezza Rice E Mail

actions in the forest district Allmend the International Year of Forests 2011

actions with children
Waldfällaktionen at 21:02 and 23.02 Demonstration of the forest work felling trees with assistance of tugs
planting on April 6 in the morning with students of the Erasmus High School
then with the parents of kindergarten children + St.Jakobus

planting days in the communities
Reute 12. March or 19 March Reuter Pflanztag

Vörstetten 19th March or 26 March or second April Vörstetten Pflanztag

Denzlingen 26th March or 2 April-9th April or 16 April 1 Denzlinger Pflanztag

The aim is to carry out Pflanztag on the first date. The planting days are very weather dependent so are referred to alternative dates. The order must be why some communities hold multiple appointments.
Registration for the planting days by email may be canceled in time / short term.

registration address
k.scherer (ät = @) county

Can Guys Have Vajinas

International Year of Forests has shun 2011

The 61st General Assembly of the United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests.
to Worldwide so that conveys the importance of sustainable forest management for sustainable development and the attention of the citizens of the forest, forest management and its wood products are controlled.
All States and are associated with the forest organizations invited to point their own contributions to the importance of forests.
A federal and state-wide campaign roof tried the commitment to pool of foresters, forest owners and associations in order to achieve the proper attention for the forest. It offers us and you, the wooded estates of the possibility of the forest and in particular, draw attention to its economic importance and to inspire the local people. transport
activities and measures the following key messages:
- forests are important for us humans!
- products and services of forests, ensure quality of life and sustainability!
- Sustainable forest management is working with nature!
- forest owners, forestry, government and society bear responsibility for the forests!
- Everyone can do something for the woods!

This is the campaign theme is "Discover Germany Forest Heritage", with the summer people invited to numerous events in the forest, like a red thread through the year 2011.
patron nationwide activities is President Christian Wulff, in Baden-Württemberg Minister President Stefan Mappus the patron of the campaign. be
Besides federal and national actions in the various events Emmendingen are offered and coordinated through the lower forest authority of the district office.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Happened To Danny Sean Cody

rainforest destruction with a new German pattern Siegel

rainforest destruction with a new German pattern Siegel
Dear friends and Friends of the rainforest,
Dear friends and friends of the rain forest, with
beginning of 2011 may only be certified agro-fuels in combined heat and car tanks - it provides for the renewable energy legislation in Germany and the EU. The
Federal government has developed a new sustainability label developed that will apply internationally. It's called International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) and is based in Cologne.
Ironically, one of the largest Regenwaldvernichter is now the proud owner of the first seal: The U.S. Farm Multi Cargill. A study of the environmental organization RAN comprises the group down further by including illegal deforestation for palm oil plantations in Indonesian Borneo.
This is once again proven that a company violated various laws and regulations can be - and still receive a sustainability label for its palm oil. The promotion, subsidization and certification of Biofuel by federal government and the EU must be stopped at last. Sustainability label like the ISCC are pure misnomer.
Please take part in the protest action: Best regards and many thanks
Reinhard Behrend
Save the Rain Forest e. V.
15 22 391 Hamburg
040 4103804
Video The sustainability lie - A film about the dirty business in the rain forest

Monday, January 10, 2011

Write A Letter For Telephone Line Disconnect

Russians and their porn director ambitions

And once it has caught one. Where it basically for Russians strangely accessible, relatively comfortably runs out. While westerners usually end up in prison for a longer time and are only used against large deposit with subsequent, also horrendous fines and is released. From the total loss of expensive equipment even to mention, most of which go over into the private property of the police officers involved. Practical - we shall have to save the purchase of the camera or the laptop for his son or his own illegal Sexproduktion.

Here once again, a new case.

Pattaya, the 7th of May 2010 [PDN]: At approximately 6:00 am, an unnamed senior sergeant from the Pattaya Tourist Police (Walking Street Service Point) was notified by Ms. Namfon (alias) [32] that she had been unwillingly recorded on video by a Russian tourist whilst having sexual relations with the man. Ms. Namfon, a working girl operating out of the Walking Street district, took tourist police to the Diamond Beach Hotel were the alleged incident took place.

Officers preceded to the room of Mr. Dragov Kalin Olegov [32] a Russian national, after a brief discussion with hotel management. Mr. Olegov, still in the room at the time was questioned in relation to the incident before a search of his room was conducted. Inside a small camera/cool bag, officers found a concealed digital video camera that had been positioned to record incidents on the bed through a small hole, created in the side of the bag. Confiscating the evidence, the Tourist police escorted Mr. Olegov and Ms. Namfon to the checkpoint in Walking Street for further questioning

Ms. Namfon explained that she had met Mr. Olegov at a bar on Walking Street before agreeing to sexually service him at his nearby hotel room. During proceedings, Ms. Namfon inquired as to the purpose of a bag that was positioned on-top of a wardrobe, suspiciously pointing at the bed, to which she said Mr. Olegov gave no reply. Ms. Namfon stated that she immediately investigated the bag, finding a digital video camera concealed inside. Ms. Namfon revealed that she ended proceedings upon discovering the camera, contacting a friend for some support before deciding to go to police.

Under interrogation by the Tourism Police, did not reveal Mr. Olegov anything in relation to the serious charges being alleged against him. The 8GB memory card was confiscated by police before he was escorted to the Pattaya Police Station for further judicial proceedings.

So in a nutshell, basically a good idea to hide his camera so. Although it is old hat. Something one knows if earlier Kurt Felix Paola and the hidden camera has seen. However, as said "Freelancer" Lady behind the mystery came off operations is another story. I think rather that the "filmmaker" at some point something in hiding had to do - such as eg. Turn or position. Since it falls on schonmal do when you get up in the middle of the action and the like. Shit happens - and not very clever. Professionals direct their films with Thai ladies of course not in Thailand. The only idiots do.